
Herbert W. Eustace Address

From the human aspect, the speaker was a tall, stately man, only slightly stooped for one past 90 years.  His chief characteristic was that of strength, a great inner strength of spiritual knowledge which overshadowed all thought of age.  I was not impressed by any sign of wrinkles but of a fair, smooth skin, nor of grey hair.  My recollection, looking back only one hour, is that he had ample color in his hair.  His eyes were bright and his countenance intelligent.  His voice loud and clear, his diction and enunciation perfect.  He is six feet or more tall and his step firm and unhesitating.  There was a slight shaking of the hand and a very slight shaking of the head, but only at first.  This was quickly eliminated as he began his address and his gestures and actions were those of a man half his age.  His delivery was forceful and his purpose sure.  He sat in the center of the stage for his address, which lasted two hours.  His suit was grey.  His smile quick and his humor instantaneous.  He very apparently had an inner joy and strength and sureness both of himself and of what he intended to say.

His memory of dates, events and many quotations and recollections of Mrs. Eddy was letter perfect and without hesitation, yet given with the freshness and spontaneity of an original statement of fact.

Obviously the speaker was a clear spiritual thinker and of this there can be no doubt from his manner of delivery or his inspiring grasp of spiritual truths.  Yet he made it plain that no one can give another spiritual truths, except to take the other back to the original source, God.  There is no student, no patient, no teacher, nothing but God and Man, with nothing in between.

He emphasized that the terms student, patient, teacher, were abominations-implying “under”, the student or patient being “under” the teacher or practitioner, or something being higher up than you, or between you and God, or God and His idea.

The address started exactly at 2 P.M. and ended exactly at 4 P.M.-not a minute before or after, but on the exact dot, within a few seconds either way.  Not once during the address did he pause or rest or show any indication of tiring, and in fact he seemed fresher and more full of strength at the close of his address.  To the listeners it seemed almost a crime that he did not talk to us another two hours, he was so full of things to say, so eager to impart them, and we so eager to hear.

The auditorium was filled to capacity with the exception of a few seats up front, perhaps four or five, which had been held for those hard of hearing.  The doors closed promptly at 2 P.M.  I did not look around or do not know if there were any turned away, or if any were standing.  I did not try to estimate the crowd, but would guess there were around two hundred and fifty, perhaps more.  It was not a large auditorium and was open only to his students and a few others, but not to the public.  It was a memorable and uplifting occasion and packed with vital warnings and recommendations for the preservation and progress of Christian Science.

Here is the difficult thing to state in a few words without making trite, matter-of-fact comments, the spiritual inspiration which was imparted to us.

To try to state the purpose of the address in one brief statement I suppose it can be said it was to show that Christian Science is not here to put us to sleep, but to awaken us, to show us how to translate all things back to Mind, God, and to open our eyes to animal magnetism, malicious mind, hypnotic suggestion-and show us how to handle it.

His address was really in two parts; first to show that the mission of Jesus was to destroy matter.  He proved there is “no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter”.  He was met on all sides with the argument “all is matter”, and he destroyed every last vestige of the claim.  He left not a single thing undestroyed.  He completely annihilated matter, overcame every material law and left absolutely nothing to be done in the complete destruction of the belief of matter.  He stated:  “It is finished”.  There has been no matter-belief for 1900 years.  Matter is no longer the claim to be overcome.  It is no longer the problem and has no bearing on Christian Science practice.  Christian Science has absolutely nothing to do with matter.

Jesus continued to advance in understanding and 60 years after the crucifixion saw the advent of Christian Science-the “little book”, which he revealed to John and which John recorded in his Revelation.

The Christian era was the sense era, the destruction of the claim of the five physical senses.  The Christian Science era has nothing to do with this.  The sense era was finished by Jesus.  The Christian Science era is the Mind era-“All is Mind.”

Mrs. Eddy must have been on a very high plain of revelation when you consider it was 60 years after the ascension before Jesus reached the point where he saw the revelation of the Christian Science era.  Mrs. Eddy’s revelation was that “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All in all.”  This revelation is beyond and above the matter revelation.

The Scientific Statement of Being-“There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter.  All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation”, starts with the denial of matter simply as a reminder, as if to say:  “Now of course you remember that matter has been destroyed,–now you know that All is Mind”, etc.

While Jesus was met on every side with the argument “all is matter”, Mrs. Eddy was met with malicious mind,–“All is mortal, malicious mind,” and she destroyed every vestige of this claim.

Just as Jesus willingly gave his life to prove that however dead they tried to make his body, even hanging it up for all to see that it was as dead as they could make it, he proved there was no life in the material body and that it could not be killed.  So Mrs. Eddy willingly gave her life, the human sense of life, to prove that malicious mind had no power.  She did not have to die.  She recorded with Mrs. Sargent and Mr. Fry and others that it was not old age or any belief of malicious mind that could harm her-or rather that it was not matter that had anything to do with her death.  Five days before her passing she dictated this statement to Mrs. Sargent and then signed it:

“It took a combination of sinners that was fast to harm me.”

(M.B.E. Nov. 28, 1910 (to Laura Sargent)

But Mrs. Eddy, as God’s gift to this age, as the revelation of the Allness of Mind, is still here, unharmed. She never died, but lives in Science and Health.  Just as Jesus, the Christ idea, still lives.  Science and Health is still with us.  Mrs. Eddy still lives.

Her charge to Calvin Fry was:  “tell my followers this is not a normal claim of old age, etc., but a claim of malicious mental malpractice.”

The address was in two parts:  matter and mind.  The speaker pointed out that Jesus destroyed every vestige of the matter belief and proved “there is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter.”  This was his mission.  With this truth the early Christians, and the early Christian Scientists, were able to perform many instantaneous cures. They know there was only one perfect creation, that health is the eternal fact,–and knowing this is a healing truth.  But this alone is no longer sufficient.

The second part of the address was to show that now we have to fill the vacancy left by the annihilation of the matter belief.  You prove there is no matter.  Then what?  You have to fill the vacancy with the allness of Mind.  You have to prove that all is Mind.  This is the job now.

The speaker stated that not just Christian Scientists but all others, doctors and healers of all descriptions, even patent medicines can heal and get bushels of testimonials because of the fact that “health is the eternal fact”-because God’s leg is the only perfect leg and cannot be broken, man’s leg cannot be broken, hence heals.  But this is only a first step and Christian Scientists must take the next step.  This they are failing to do.  They refuse to leave the first stage of progress.

He likened it to a dog and a bone.  We have been thrown a bone “there is no matter”, and it worked fine in the beginning, and we took the bone and ran with it, and hid it, and keep it, and have been chewing on it ever since and won’t let go.

We acknowledge Mrs. Eddy as the discoverer of Christian Science, yet we speak of her as discoverer in the same sense as we speak of Edison-interpreting everything as material progress, in the same sense as material advancement, and we continue to build up matter all the time, more houses, more churches, more material inventions, more of everything material.

Science and Health was a direct revelation of God.  It gives us every truth we need to know to understand that All is Mind, and spirit is the only substance.  But Science and Health does not give every detail of animal magnetism or malicious mental malpractice, nor of hypnotic suggestion.  It does not do this for the reason that it would be unwise to reveal all battle plans to the enemy.

In class instruction Mrs. Eddy stated and Mr. Kimball stressed that-

“The only purpose of class instruction is to understand malicious animal magnetism, etc.”  And the speaker recalled that was all Mr. Kimball taught them in class-specifically how to understand and deal with hypnotic suggestion, etc.

Mrs. Eddy spent 40 years trying to get us to quit running “with the bone”-to put aside “there is no matter” and handle malicious mental malpractice.

This is the problem today, the opportunity, the necessity.  To be awake to hypnotic suggestion and to destroy it-mentally.

If you have scratched your finger you run for a rag to catch the blood. You treat a scratched finger. But the ONLY claim is hypnotic suggestion.  You never should deal and you really are never dealing with matter, but with malicious mind.

As there is one divine Mind, there is one claim of malicious mind.  We have to take malicious mind – pure malicious mind, back to God (uncontaminated with matter).  We get rid of pure malicious mind by purifying it.

The claim is always malicious mind.  We have not had to deal with matter for 1900 years.  Since the ascension of Jesus there has been NOTHING BUT MALICIOUS MIND to deal with.  Regardless of what you may believe, this is the fact.

As an aside, he spoke of the pamphlet the “Psychologist and the Magician”.  He pointed out the care with which the professor examined the cave BEFORE the test, and how he slept in front of the entrance to be sure it remained pure and unmolested during the night before he entered for the test.  His knowledge of the condition of the cave WAS THE ONLY CHRIST TRUTH HE KNEW, and this Truth saved him.  He knew the condition of the cave.  So, when every suggestion of danger came, the beliefs of serpents, tigers, crevasses, walls, fires, etc., he WENT BACK TO THE TRUTH he knew and this dispelled the false belief.  Then when he examined the place where the dangerous manifestations seemed to have been, there was no sign or evidence of any kind left.  The false belief, the hypnotic suggestion, had been completely annihilated.  The truth had saved him, the Christ truth, his knowledge of the cave,–of reality.

Another example given by the speaker was that of Judge Medina, who recently tried the communists in New York City and who gave a most outstanding example of judicial integrity and poise.  During the entire trial every trick was tried to destroy the calm dignity and judgment of the Judge, but he retained a correct attitude throughout.  A short time ago, before the American Bar Association, meeting in Tennessee, Judge Medina told the members that during the trial the communists tried by every means to make him commit suicide, by suggestion.

Telephone calls, telegrams, letters, notes, placards, picket lines, and other means were used to suggest “jump, jump, jump” – One suggestion:  “Medina will fall like Forrestal” (Forrestal jumped from a hospital window, a suicide, suggesting the same treatment was given him with more successful results.)

Judge Medina states the suggestion almost succeeded.

The speaker quoted Mrs. Eddy’s statement (Mis. 177:8):  “Large numbers, in desperate malice, are engaged day and night in organizing action against us.”  “Their feeling and purpose are deadly, and they have sworn enmity against the lives of our standard bearers.”

It was pointed out that WE are the standard bearers.  We are the ones they would tear down.  We must AWAKE to what is going on, and not be lulled to sleep.  THERE CAN BE NO PEACE WITH EVIL.  Christian Scientists have no right to be at peace with evil, with animal magnetism, hypnotic suggestion, etc.  “Doff the lavender kid zeal, etc.”

Mrs. Eddy gave her life as the final evidence,–because she had “finished” her work, there was nothing left undone.  It was complete.  This was her final lesson to us.  For 40 years she had tried to take “the bone” away from us-the matter bone, and to awaken us to the claim of malicious mind.  Today we must have ALL of Christ-pure Mind.

Jesus was the only one phase-the personal sense presentation of God (?)  Think of him as the idea of God, not person.

Illustration:  Jesus’ parable of the Wedding Feast.  Some of the guests came without proper wedding garments and were ejected.  They got in but were thrown out.  They lacked the garment of pure Mind.  We must be clothed in our right Mind.  We can take no contaminated matter into the presence of God, at the wedding feast-no mind contaminated with matter belief.

Today we cannot even get into the wedding feast without a garment.  Can’t even get in to be thrown out.  We cannot take in a single vestige of the matter belief.

You are the practitioner.  You are the one who has to demonstrate it.  Mrs. Eddy says:  “Be a law unto yourselves, that mental malpractice cannot harm you.”  What are you going to do about it?  Are YOU holding crime in check?  If not, IT WILL HANDLE YOU.

All day long we are subject to subtle suggestions, hypnotic suggestions of malicious mind-in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, etc., always “building up” matter.  But it is always malicious mind.

The speaker started the address with:  “Mrs. Eddy said the original sum-total of evil is ingratitude.  The remedy, gratitude, the highest human quality.”  This may not be word for word, but is substantially correct.

Jesus Christ said:  “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”.  He did not mean people, but that “if I be lifted up, I will draw all unto me”-lifted up in consciousness he would spontaneously find all others already there, already perfect in ONENESS.

It was stressed that there is ONLY ONE HEARER, one listener.  Mrs. Eddy was a listener.  We are listeners.  Our job is to LISTEN.  How many listeners are there?  ONE.  I am that one.  You are that one. There is only one listener.

You are the only man.  There is only one Man.  Only One God, One Idea.

He quoted Paul:  “If any man think he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know” (I Cor 8:2).  You must be willing to be told over and over,–you must tell yourself over and over:  God is the originator, he imparts everything to man.  Keep your place as listener.

When Jesus said:  “I give you a new commandment,” the disciples were all ears.  They expected some new great truth.  Yet they were told “Love one another”, which undoubtedly they had been told many times before.  If you think you know anything, you still have much to learn.

God is responsible for the mission of those whom he anoints.  He has anointed YOU.  He is responsible for you.  He guides you.  Listen.  Those who trust in him, take His hand.

QUESTION:  Is there anything in all the world you actually know of yourself?

ANSWER:  ONLY that you consciously are.

Whatever you may know of sense testimony is given you.  It is handed you.  Human existence is sense existence, hypnotic suggestion.  You do not know it of yourself.

You can say “Yes, I AM”, “I consciously AM”.  Not:  “I am conscious”.  Conscious of what?  Rather say:  “I consciously am”.

This is your state of awareness.  You do not “find” yourself.  You are not standing off somewhere looking at yourself.  You are aware-you “consciously are”.  This is what is meant by “Ye are the light of the world”, the light that lighteth every man, etc.  “I consciously am”-your awareness.

QUESTION:  Where do we go from here?  Do we not have to accept the fact that because “we consciously are” that consciousness is?  In other words, we must accept that this is the effect of a cause.  There must be a primary a source of our awareness.  Therefore we prove that God, Mind, IS, and is primary, and WE are the effect.

Mrs. Eddy, Jesus Christ, the Bible,–these didn’t give us Christian Science.  Science and Health takes you to the source, to its source.  Mind is the basis that establishes the whole of Christian Science.  “Mrs. Eddy was the revelation of divine Mind.”  – Jesus was the revelation to Mary that God is the Father of Man.  Mrs. Eddy is the revelation that Mind is the Mother and Father of Man.

Death or nothing else will advance you until you take each and every step.  There is no royal road.  “You can die if you want to,–but you won’t get anywhere.”

There is nothing but IS-no outside of IS.  IS is all of it.  All that is.  All is infinite, all is ONE.  ALL IS.

Take every word back to God, the one common denominator, –this leaves YOU as the One Man.  Consciousness can’t be ONE and have more than One Idea.  You are that man.

How does everything come to you?  What about all these other people?  You say, but I’ve a wife, and children, etc., but do they not all come to you as consciousness?  And do you not take that registering of consciousness as “hand”, “wife”, etc.  All you are conscious of is an impartation of God to you. YOU call them persons, places, things. It is God appearing to you as person, place, thing,–regardless of the appearance to you.  It is consciousness.

Otherwise you could not possibly have dominion.

Christian Science does not come to lull you to sleep, but to WAKE YOU UP.

How many Christian Scientists are there?  ONE.  Who is that one?  YOU.  How many practitioners?  One.  YOU.  One God.  One Man.  YOU.

Adam and Eve?  They are YOU.  As also are Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.  Of course they are you.  They come as consciousness to you.  YOU are the whole thing.

In Pulpit and Press (4:7) Mrs. Eddy asks:  “Is not man mathematically and metaphysically number one, a unit, and therefore a whole number, governed and protected by his divine Principle, God?  You have simply to preserve a scientific, positive sense of unity with your divine source, and daily demonstrate this.”

Evil tries to deceive. That is all it can try to do.

Only understanding will destroy evil.  Not faith, not some one’s understanding for you.  Only Your Own understanding.

Adam and Eve were not two, but one.  YOU.  It is your Adam;  Eve represented the spiritualizing of matter.  The “serpent tempted me”.  She refused to blame man, but false belief-suggestion.  To Eve matter had to be spiritualized.  Every living thing must be spiritualized.  That is why woman could present Jesus, and Science and Health, to the world.

Eve, mother of all living.  Spiritualized all things.  Nothing could live unless spiritualized. From this came the “redeemer”.

You cannot use what does not begin in YOURSELF.

The mother of all living was also the mother of the redeemer, without any Adam.  Adam had no part.  She saw God as the Father of man.

Not thousands of years ago, but NOW.  All is now.  Truth is instantaneous,–a fact to you now.

Who was the mother of Jesus Christ?  YOU were.

Jesus was a “redeeming” of your mind, a mediator between flesh and spirit,–reaching out to the idea that all is matter to destroy it and bring forth the idea that all is spirit.  Jesus was the highest human corporeal concept -your concept-destroying the belief that all is matter.

“Personal presentation of evil, that matter is everywhere.”  This is the only thing Jesus was presented with.

The mission of Jesus was to show “no life, truth, intelligence, or substance in matter”.  He wiped it out completely. Did not leave a vestige-utter nothingness.  That WAS THE END of matter.

The next step was to rise to Mind. Nothing more for Jesus to do.  “It is finished”.  Destroy my body.  Prove to yourselves that it has no life.  Who said it was finished?  YOU did.  Of course YOU said it.  Your highest concept met matter at every turn.  The Christian era was the first phase of Christianity, OF YOUR REDEMPTION.  From What?  Only from one thing.  MATTER.  NOW you are confronted with an entirely different situation, a new argument entirely.

You came into MIND (the mind era) 1900 years ago.  Don’t go back.  YOU ARE NEVER CONFRONTED WITH MATTER.  It is finished.  You finished it 1900 years ago, All is Mind. The only argument you have to meet now is malicious mind, pure malicious mind.

To deal with matter is dealing with belief.  It is being lulled asleep by hypnotic suggestion.  You are being fooled. You may change a belief of sickness for a belief of health, etc., but where does that get you?  You are getting nowhere exchanging one belief for another belief.  Malicious mind would lull you to sleep.  There is only one thing to do, HANDLE HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION always and in all things.  It is up to you.

You don’t do a single thing in your daily life but what is touched by hypnotic suggestion.  Wake up,–and listen.

Mrs. Eddy:  “What Joy is ours in Christian Science!  Infinite Love all our own, tireless Love watching and waiting, pointing the path, guiding our footsteps and turning them hither and thither as wisdom directs-then when the lesson is learned, supplying the need and ending the warfare.”

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