
Herbert W. Eustace Letters 1956 - 1957



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1956 Letters
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15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
January 2nd, 1956.

Dear Mrs. P-and Miss D–:-

I know I owe you both an answer to your various most interesting cards and letters during the past months and especially do I want to thank you for the lovely Garden scenes calendar that was forwarded to me from my home in Rolling Hills, a lovely spot about twenty odd miles from Los Angeles.  I am visiting Mildred for a time I started to do so in October.  She came down to drive me up but on the way up I thought of some business matters I wanted to attend to in Canada and all at once it dawned on me that it was getting pretty late in the year for that part of the world especially Labrador so when we got to Gilroy on our way to San Jose I stopped and called up a friend in a place in Massachusetts and asked him if he thought it was too late for me to see what I wanted to see and he immediately said I will meet you in Montreal on Tuesday.  This was Friday.  Well I said if I can catch a plane I will meet you in Montreal.  We drove right to the S. F. air field and there made reservations and I met him on time Tuesday.  But this all threw out my visit to Mildred because I returned by New York to Los Angeles and stayed there about a month before I drove a little car, I have a Plymouth, up here just before Thanksgiving and I have been in Mildred’s apartment ever since.

I was especially happy to be away from Rolling Hills during the Thanksgiving and Holiday Season for my very splendid Home-maker as our friend Joseph Johnston of New York called her when he came out for about a week last July or August and saw what a wonderful home maker she is indeed.  She was for twenty five years a registered trained nurse and active you might say every minute and she gave up that work to sign up as Nurse and Housekeeper with me.  Of course I need no nurse in that sense of the word but it is a protection with the public because a nurse is allowed to go wherever duty calls her and nothing is thought about it so I used it as her title which was truly hers but I used as a protection for both of us.  She has a grown up son now preparing for West Point and a daughter in training …[two lines unreadable]…devoted her life and her earnings to bringing up these two and has done it well with a paltry seventy dollars a month from their so-called father who Mrs. Munro divorced two years after her son appeared and she has been on her own all these years.

I had a very strong feeling that both of them are getting so near to going out for themselves that I felt this was virtually the last year she would have them very much to herself.  Bob the son is in his last High School year and Janet the daughter is already being quite closely held to her training work and only gets out to Rolling Hills week ends and holidays.  So it just seemed to me if I could hide myself away from Dapplegray Lane as much as possible this last year it would be a gift from God, divine Love to Mrs. Munro for her great fidelity to her trust to let her be free from my presence just as much as possible for the first time in her married life when she had no financial cares whatever and an absolute freedom to enjoy her two just as much as possible.  So this quiet haven of Mildred’s has been ideal and I am making quite a long stay as the child spends most of time at the ranch and comes in when the spirit moves her.  It gives me ideal time for all I want to do and among those things write a long overdue letter to you two.

You seem to be spreading out your real estate operations.  That is wise as long as that appears to you as an activity to you and you enjoy it.  Christian Scientists must leave the swaddling clothes of the religious belief about Christian Science and begin really to feel they are in heaven right now and are doing the things God is pointing out to them to do.  These things may seem to be material but they are not.  All is Mind there is no matter no materiality.  The religious sense of Christian Science can be most crippling, all church activities are the flesh pots of Egypt to the Christian Scientist that malicious mind is all the time calling to him to follow and be the slave of.  Imagine Jesus even having a fixed routine of serving God instead of the Spirit that is God guiding his every step and with it boundless freedom and serving Him momentarily and not by bits and starts.  These subtle fleshpots of Egypt called frequently service for the Cause are pure hallucinations and divine Love knows nothing about them.  They are malicious suggestions to fool the unwary.  That is why Mrs. Eddy points out their hidden danger and brings out why material organization is only necessary in the earliest stages of Christian history.  Where can it or does it come in in Christian Science history only as subtle flesh pots of Egypt.

Watch WHOSO READETH and keep its spirit as Mrs. Eddy points out at hand every moment because every claim is animal magnetism and must be handled as such or progress is switched aside and growth is stunted.  I know you both are awake to this evil and so avoid it.

Today is more subtle in its suggestions than ever before because truth has risen higher in our comprehension but watch as you never watched before.

The New Year is here and with every possibility for good.  May it bring to you both your instant ability to do all that Jesus taught and lived then indeed it will be “redolent with grief and gratitude”.

Every good wish.
Herbert W. Eustace

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Care of Mildred B. Beans,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California
January 3rd. 1956.

Dear Mary:-
I am not going to say I was sorry to hear that my old tried friend (Theophilus) had said momentarily good-bye to us for I can never feel the slightest sense of sorrow except for my own loss with anyone what is called passing on.
My first thought always is those to me grand and joyous words of Mrs. Eddy on page 385 Mis. Ws.

“Joy for thee, happy friend! Thy bark is past
The dangerous sea, and safely moored at last –
Beyond rough foam.
Soft gales celestial, in sweet music bore-
Spirit emancipate for this far shore –
Thee to thy home.
“You’ve travelled long, and far from mortal joys,
To Soul’s diviner sense, that spurns such toys,
Brave wrestler lone.
Now see thy ever-self; Life never fled;
Man is not mortal, never of the dead:
The dark unknown.”

Read it all, Mary.  It will lift your thought higher.  As he so well knew and as I know you do too death to Theophilus was just a fool belief but in one sense of the word a great unfoldment and to those ready for such an unfoldment a marvelous step forward.  He is rejoicing to-day as never before and sees the truth of Christian Science as only forward steps can make us see it.  He hasn’t gone anywhere for here is all the place there is God filling all space.  Feel this Mary and you will lose all sense of separation knowing eventually there will not even be a belief of separation.  I know you realize this now and are going forward with your life and work as God would have you go forward.

I know the New Year is full of all good for you for the riches of His goodness are ever with you.

My love to you.
Herbert W. Eustace

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[Response to above letter]
January 7, 1956.

Dear Mr. Eustace,

Thank you so much for your friendly letter which came today.  I have had no sense of separation since Daddy’s passing, as he prepared me beautifully this past six months by his general approach to the whole idea.

I was completely healed of any belief in what people call death about the middle of November.  Daddy had a short spell of being very absorbed in his body and its functions.  Being so completely unlike him, I was deeply disturbed by his attitude!  It was then that I asked a practitioner to give him a boost, with his consent of course.  She cleared that notion up promptly and completely and at that time I saw that “to be carnally minded is death.”  When he rose above that, I was free and have remained so ever since.

I did so enjoy your momentary visit the other day.  After you left, I laughed right out loud-not about anything in particular but just because all is well.  Thank you!

Mary P.

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Saved was a newspaper clipping:

“Private funeral services were held yesterday for Theophilus Allen, a Christian Science practitioner, who passed on at the age of 97 Sunday.  . . . He was born in Ceylon, son of a Baptist missionary.  Mr. A. came to this country at the age of 20.  He traveled about the country living in Montana and Alaska when he moved west before settling on the Peninsula (Palo Alto).   . . . “

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15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.  January 6th. 1956.

Dear Mrs. Davenport,

I had a telephone call this morning from our friend Joseph Johnston of New York and in the course of our conversation he told me that you had actually yourself made those delicious jams and jellies and cookies etc. etc. yourself that you brought to me in his and Mary’s name just before Christmas.

It was good enough of you to bring them to me with those two fine lads of yours as armour bearers for you.  I cannot express my deep appreciation enough for your doing this.  It was really awfully good of you all and I would long ago have written you, which was in my heart to do before hearing this last news that you were the originator of many of the things, for you know when I tasted those wonderful chocolate squares, I don’t know their name, but I did immediately think I had never tasted such chocolate cakes like them before, they were so rich and good.  Now I see why I was puzzled that such could be bought.  You certainly are some cook.  Don’t give those lads too many good things to eat.  Boys thrive better on hard-tack.  A boy was never meant to be pampered and those fine chaps of yours show no sign of being pampered, see that they never are.

Man is not something that has a beginning and ending.  He is the very activity of divine Principle, divine Love, God, and as such divine sonship he inevitably already expresses all that God, infinite good, means and is.  Let them realize that, and then, they will spontaneously look to God for every direction and move and like Jesus all things will be possible to them.  They are as unlimited as their Maker, that is why they must always start their every thought from God, infinite Love then they will express Love, in all their dealings with man and beast, and so insure themselves heaven right on earth.

My every good wish to you for the New Year.  It has only good, with it, every instant for each one of you, and that is my earnest desire for you all.

Herbert W. Eustace.

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Care of Mildred E. Beans,
15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.
January 7th. 1956.

Dear Joseph Johnston:–

I have just written Mrs. Dorothy Davenport for not only making those delicious jams, jellies and cookies etc. etc. but for being your messenger and bringing them with her two escorts, those fine young chaps of hers, all loaded down with the wonderful things you and Mary had sent me.  They are still going as strong as ever, — as also, the lovely plants.  It was amazingly good of you all.

When are you going to stop looking back and thinking and saying I ought to have done this or that.  Where is infinite Intelligence while you are kicking up your heels according to your own statement doing or not doing some thing you later feel you should have done.  That sort of thinking gets one no where because it is based on the absolute fallacy that you are an independent actor and do as you please, instead of what you truly are, the evidence and mouthpiece of God in all your ways.

Stop this nonsense and your eyes will open to His guidance every instant.

You do too much talking my dear boy.  You cannot always hear the voice of God because you abandon your post as listener, and want to be the Power itself.  That spells failure every time.  So quit it and I want to speak of one personal thing.  I made an exception with you when I came through New York in telling you one thing about what I had been doing in Canada.  I never tell my affairs to a single person.  I only did it, about Javelin, with you, because I was directed to do so, but I did not think you would go and call up Todd and Doyle and Tarsnik etc. and spill all you knew about me, when I purposely told them nothing.  It isn’t I have anything to hide, but I never, never tell my affairs to anyone.  My own family in the old days never knew one thing except Bess, about my business affairs.  She alone knew.  I have always stood right there.  Now I am going to ask you Joseph Johnston to please never talk Herbert Eustace over with anyone and I mean anyone.  Stop all this personal stuff for I have no use for any of it.  From now on I shall not talk to you about Javelin any more so do not ask me any questions about it.  You are apparently in touch with those you can get information from.  When I looked into the company and went East to do so it was with one purpose to get a fine well managed growth proposition where I could safely put some funds and not have to give special thought to them.  I am tired of bothering with different stocks.  I have for many years done that and I wanted something more conservative and permanent, and when I examined Javelin I came to the conclusion, after discussing it all most carefully with their chief engineer Paul Pesonen a most unique and I would say learned engineer with wide experience, and he explained to me on the maps the great care in diamond drilling etc.  they had used in proving up their immense territory, I was completely satisfied I had found the sort of security I was looking for, that here at last was a real growth stock run by what seemed to me a fine outstanding lot of men and with a mighty wise friend among them named F. PaysoTodd who through his writings I had become aware that he was a real New England conservative, a man after my own heart.  In talking to him I found him just that, but I looked to God to direct me and not to a person and if there is any glory or honour due it is to Him alone, for I certainly of myself could have done nothing, and in Todd I found a very interesting thinker and writer.  You should not have talked to him about me and Christian Science.  Yes talk about Christian Science to anyone you please of course, but you have no right to drag my name into such a divine subject. And so weaken your whole presentation.

You know my dear friend that I do not wish to appear unkindly or unappreciative of your always good will to me and C.C.T. but I do wish you would leave me out entirely.  I belong with God and nowhere else and there I want to stay.  Every so-called material belief is of a few days and full of trouble as the Psalmist wrote.  It doesn’t need to be full of trouble provided you will take it out of matter and place it where it can only belong with divine Mind.  “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation for God is All-in-all”.

Some time if you ever near the Yale campus, drop in and see the Registrar and find out definitely whether James C. Cassell Jr. was an undergraduate or a graduate of Yale and if possible what was his record.  Also another thing sometime when you are motoring out west and go through Arizona and New Mexico find out whether the report that this same man was ever a member of any Christian Science Church in either State and was dismissed, for any cause and if possible what the cause was claimed to be.  It might be wise to know what manner of men the miniature Next Friends Suit was composed of.  Not that it is of any real importance any more than to-day we are to toss a penny, what stock Judas came from, etc. or where he graduated from, if he ever did and so forth?

Remember Johnston as a sina qua non in Christian Science is this primary fact that the more so-called minds there are mixed up in your affairs the harder it is for you to keep your gaze on divine Principle as All-Mind.  Never get away from this fact or you will find yourself lost.  One Mind is your basis then keep away from minds many which is expressed as people knowing your affairs, especially your financial affairs for that is the weapon malicious mind uses the most for tormenting people with.  Tell so-called mortal mind nothing and it knows nothing about you.  A word to the wise is sufficient.

My very best to you both.  I hold you in deep esteem but be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.  The tongue is what supplies the serpent with its food for slander and interference.  Watch then and again Jesus said WATCH.  Watch what?  Your tongue.

Love to you both,
Herbert W. Eustace

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15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.
January 11th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. J:–

Thank you for your package of letters received yesterday.

I think your analysis of 1955* and its relation to Herbert W. Eustace is quite correct and I appreciate the analysis much as I always object however to ever being dragged into an analysis of any spiritual nature but I think you have handled your 1955 year very intelligently and it is interesting to see how so many things fall in line with your deductions.  You have held to the metaphysical point of view right through.

With regard to your letter to Mrs. N– I feel you were justified in all that you wrote.  Her conceit and ignorance always in a way have been appalling in a way.  But you know there is nothing more conceited than ignorance.

To show where Mrs. N– stood in her relationship to the chief we will say conspirator James Cassell, this is what she wrote to me in one of her many letters I hardly read or answer.  “I like Mr. Cassell very very much and so do all I know that have met him.  He is very sincere I think”.  She was fooled and sold completely.  Your analysis of the reason why is correct that nonsense of practitioner and patient, in other terms man being God.

Since I have been in San Jose, Mrs. N– has been hanging around here trying to get in touch with Mildred but really with me.  She has telephoned several times wanted to see me and I have flatly refused to see her that there was nothing to see her about.  I think she has quit that now but her very persistence in face of flat refusals to talk to her at all is part and parcel of that claim of man being God and the silly belief that if you stay with it you will get your way.  Yes, you will if your way is God’s way but not otherwise.  Human will is the devil and all the devil there is and they who try it fall with the devil.  Mrs. B– is in exactly the same position, conceit could never avert the effects of deceit as Mrs. Eddy points out so positively with both of them.

But a dream is ever a dream and that anything that is a departure in the least from divine Principle is but a dream for God is never less than All.

Thank you also for the copies of statements by Mrs. Eddy that you sent for me to keep.  You are very kind and I do appreciate deeply your keen analysis.  Keep person out and you will progress.         My best to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace.

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.
January 15th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. Johnston:–

You know I was reading over again that excellent answer you made to Rowell, the trustee about Orcutt’s lies in his book, and I just wanted to tell you that was a really masterful piece of work and should be preserved.*  Sometime it will be read with the deepest interest by Scientists.  You missed no points whatever and you did it all in a beautiful spirit and yet firmly.  That is the way to write leaving all invectives out.  They add nothing usually.  Of course it is true Jesus at times handed it out without gloves but he never lost sight of the impersonality of it all and we must do the same if our words are to be helpful.  But I do want to congratulate you on the way you did that splendid job and sometime it must be published and it will be.

California is still having plenty of rain.  And yet I was reading today Los Angeles is behind its normal, still.  At Mildred’s ranch yesterday they had two and a half inches that is pretty steep in one day.  It did no damage.

What a marvelous statement that is of Mrs. Eddy’s “The wickedest man is but a temporary eclipse, not quite total, and in the great forever he must rotate toward Truth and Life.”

This takes us all in with one infinite, overwhelming love.

My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.
January 26th. 1956.

Dear Mrs. Hachten:-

I was reading a few days ago an item issued by a medical clinic some years ago and that at that time attracted my attention of it is most important for you and I and other friends who as Mrs. Eddy once said “You are not there yet but you will be” in speaking of age and handling the claim.

You probably remember the item.  It was brought out very clearly that the real claim of age was not the question of years as it was of “Time is toxic” and the idiocy of such a statement.  How could TIME be toxic.  Where is there any poison in time?  Of course there is none and could be none but that is what people advancing in years or understanding must meet that there is poison in time.  It is very helpful to see this and see that time instead of being toxic is the exact opposite of poison but is God’s very gift to man.  As Jesus expressed it “I came that ye might have life and have it more abundantly”. So-called years add  life not depletion of life.

Think this out for yourself.

But a thing more important than this is to grasp that wonderful statement to Calvin Frye by Mrs. Eddy on I am.  You will find it on page 22 of the FALSE PROPHET in the One Volume C.C.T.

I know you doubtless know it well but you cannot know it too well.  It will heal anything for as Mrs. Eddy points out the most powerful thing in the world is “God saying I AM in His own creation”.  Then every time you say I am you are showing forth God and the whole power of God?  Then say it often and mean it every time.  If you do not already know it by heart, commit it to memory and say it often and feel it.  I think this I am statement is one of the greatest Mrs. Eddy ever made.  Try it.

Well you two dear people quietly building the kingdom of heaven right where it already is in your precious home are blessing mankind in the only way it needs blessing the silent thought of oneness with God.  That reaches to the uttermost parts of the earth and sea and blesses one and all.

My love is with you all the time and my deep appreciation of your true understanding.  You are because God is.

Every good to you both and it already is yours.

Herbert W. Eustace

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorn Way,
San Jose, California
February 4th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Thank you for your copy of your letter to Mrs. Hachten and Mrs. Merrow and thanks to you which I am herewith returning to you.  It is very analytical and I hope not above your reader, leading him to personality instead of to Principle, but perhaps not, but be very careful how you bring in H.W.E.  I know how clear you are on it all yourself but that is not always enough if you are writing to people.  Your language must be equally explicit.  You are dealing in writing Mrs. Hachten and Mrs. Merrow with two very earnest metaphysical thoughts so you are pretty safe, but sometimes when I read what you say about H.W.E. and the exalted sense you have of C.C.T. and what it means, all of which is correct on C.C.T. in one sense of the word, but it makes shivers run down my back as the expression is, hoping against hope that neither you nor your reader can be deceived into one thought of personality or your fine vision and work would be largely in vain.  So please watch out every instant.

I may inclose you in this letter a copy of a little article I want to write if I can get it as I want it on Jesus’ statement CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH.  It is so very important that I would like to send out a line on it but it is most difficult to handle such a subject wisely.  If it cannot be done wisely then better not do it at all.  Look it over and make any suggestions you wish.  I shall be glad to have them but keep no copy even for yourself and return mine please with any comments you choose.  Ask Mary to glance at it but do not say one word to her, but notice what effect it has on her and whether it is enlightening in any way.  It is not finished by a long shot.  I full well realize, but tell her I shall appreciate any little comment she may feel like making or none at all, except I would like a frank statement if she feels like saying it, “I do not get anything specially from the reading of it.”  I feel strongly my inadequacy in ability to express what I know and feel on this subject.  It is highly important and the understanding of it can carry so much of good to one and all.

That was very good of you to send Mildred and me both radio reproductions of Mary’s excellent speech.  She speaks as one having authority and not a mere scribe.  That is always nice if it is backed up by understanding as hers is.

I had a line from Pesonen from Germany saying the ore conferences with both Germany and England were going satisfactorily.  They will be back at the right time and then you will hear what was done.  Place your confidence in God’s Allness wisely guiding and directing one and all and to the ultimate blessing of all.  Javelin is a long term proposition and I am willing to let it have all the time needed.  I am satisfied Todd with his 1959/60 date for Javelin to show what it can do is correct.  It has the ore and the steel mills want the ore it has, then they can work together under God and there is no malicious mind or minds that can interfere in the slightest because God is the one and only Mind.  Put your confidence in the God of all the earth Who does do right.

My best to you both as always.

Herbert W. Eustace

P.S.  I will send my article next trip.  I appreciate very much yours and Mary’s regard for Mrs. Munro.  She is an excellent woman and is perfect for my need, and I hope and feel it is mutual, because I can take off her shoulders much of the grinding of finances and leave her free together with a deep sense of genuine appreciation of what she has done for me and is doing and will do.  More I do not, nor could ask.  I consider Mrs. Munro of the highest type of true Christian.  I respect her more than highly and I do appreciate yours and Mary’s keen appreciation of her sterling character and God does and will bless her.

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
February 13th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. Johnston:–

I want to add to my Article I have mailed you to-day so please return without reading at the present. I inclose two air-mail stamps.  Re-address on same envelope with the new stamps and let me have it right back. Do not delay it at all.  Thanks for your trouble.  I am sending this special Delivery so as to get ahead of the other letter or article.

Best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace

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Temporary Address
210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.
February 11th. 1956.
Mrs. Browning Middleton
5501 Honert Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio.

Dear Mrs. Middleton:-

Your appreciative letter I thank you for.  C.C.T. is simply the school-room book for SCIENCE AND HEALTH and I am happy that you with many others are finding it a helpful book and based its every line on what the text-book of S.&H. brings out on every page.

I am not holding any classes and have not done so since 1941 when the difficulty of transportation gave me a good excuse for stopping holding classes which I felt with all God has given for our learning largely unnecessary.  Each one must dig the truth out for himself with the aids Love has provided and gradually this awful claim of practitioneritis and teacheritis will cease to dominate people.

When Mrs. Eddy said “Stand alone.  Allow no one to help you, as surely as you do you cripple yourself and hinder your own progress,” she gave pretty strong medicine but it is true never-the-less and its deep wisdom will be understood.  Every claim is a claim of animal magnetism and only that and must be handled as such.  Read and study carefully WHOSO READETH LET HIM UNDERSTAND, it will prove helpful.

Remember Mrs. Eddy says “Truth is revealed.  It needs only to be practised.”  I am inclosing you two little leaflets you may enjoy.  You doubtless have the little leaflet Chronological Data on the one Volume C.C.T.

With every good wish.
Herbert W. Eustace

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.   2/12/56.

Dear Joseph E.J.

Here are the sheets I was going to send you on CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH.

Please read them and for the Lord’s sake keep them to yourself and say nothing to anyone.  I may not send it out at all and I want nothing said about it. Please ask Mary to glance it over and as said in my other letter just say whether she got anything out of it at all and, of course, I shall appreciate her adding to or taking from all she wishes and that applies also of course to you my dear chap but no copies and no talking.

I have one deep conscientious request to make of you Joseph E. Johnston and that is from this moment forward you will do no more talking, writing or phoning to Mrs. Munro on the subject of Christian Science.  It simply antagonizes her and does far more harm than good and I earnestly request you absolutely do no more of it.  It has made it vastly more difficult for me, so drop it at once.

My very best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.

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210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
March 13th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Thank you for two good letters from you.  When you stay with Science and forget personality you write like a Major and your stuff is sound and to the point.  Thank you also for the item about Cassell he evidently did take a degree of some kind at Yale, too bad he didn’t while he was about it imbibe the real thing that Yale was established for, to make better men and women.  But God attends to that and in due time will bring all to the fold, as you so excellently expressed it to W–.  All that nonsense is a form of insanity.  From the very beginning I saw that his (W–‘s) fatal trouble was conceit.  He wanted to grab everything and parade it as his own from the very first, deeds you gave him and Captain Wilkerson’s expose of the estoppel clauses.  But don’t bother yourself about that God attends to all in His own way and Blesses one and all.

I didn’t know Mrs. W– was in S.F.  Is that a permanent arrangement or just a visit?

I am looking forward to seeing your better half the end of this week.  I got a wire from her proposing Sunday but she gave me no information as to her whereabouts etc. before Sunday so I am unable to show her any attention until she arrives.  But we will have a nice visit anyway and if I can do anything for her I shall be delighted.  My very best to you both.  I have settled on my leaflet so will send you a copy tomorrow.  Send it right back please.

Herbert W. Eustace

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27010 Dapplegray Lane,
Rolling Hills, California.

Dear Rosalie:-

Your letter of the 7th of March reached me a few minutes ago having taken ten days to get to me.  It may have been held up at the Gaylord Hotel but why I do not know.  The man you speak of Cassell turned out to be a pretty bad egg, but long since I told the hotel not to turn any mail whatever over to him but to send it on to the above address which has been my home since last May when I bought it.  I have a very fine home-maker who spent 25 years of her life as a professional nurse and is a most excellent housekeeper in every way; and the only reason I have been with my niece Mildred Beans for the last four months is because I felt it would be such a gift of divine Love for me to leave the home for this year until Fall so that Mrs. Munro my home-maker could have her two young people a daughter just entering the nursing profession and the son preparing for West Point this year; and she has never been financially free during all their lives to what you might to call enjoy them for she was always so busy making the money to keep the home fire burning as she had to get a divorce for Scriptural reasons when boy was only two.  So she had full responsibility for the Court in those days allowed only seventy dollars a month for the two children which in this country is nothing.  So she had a mighty busy time and has brought them beautifully and I just felt God wanted me to go say for a year and let her have everything to herself with no financial burdens of any kind as a rich reward for her great fidelity in being so faithful to those two children and bring them to years of discretion so nicely that I was happy to leave and let them all enjoy the home and they are doing wonderfully and it makes me very happy for Mildred’s little apartment here is ideal and she is in touch with me through the phone and coming in all the time.  She lives mostly at their ranch with Dr. Lee an old friend and she enjoys that immensely.  So there is my story.  Sometime when I see you I can add to it.

Now my dear child for you and the parting of the ways for the moment between you and that dear Dad of yours. You are taking it beautifully, Rosalie, and are doing exactly the right thing to plan on a job for happiness is in being actively busy.  I know God divine Love has just the place waiting for you the moment you are free to accept it.  But get your affairs all straightened up so that they will not be pulling at you all the time.  What a happy uniting M– and H– must have had and now they are going on together working out the Science of being with their higher understanding of what Life is and they will have a glorious time doing it together.  The one advantage of what is called death is that we start from a higher basis to build for we have learned one supreme lesson that death was an illusion that nothing about was killed in the slightest and that we go forward with a much keener and larger sense of life and its responsibilities.  Nothing has changed to either M– or H– except as to say they have learned that important lesson death was a myth.  I have just been writing a little leaflet that I have called “CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH.”  I will send you the leaflet when they come down from the publishers.  You may like to read it.

I bought my little home in May in what is called Rolling Hills a beautiful section of Los Angeles and we have quite a garden which will keep me busy.  Let me hear from you Rosalie and give me your address when you get your flat.  I do not expect to be in England this year.  We are going to make some changes in our little home and that will require time but one of these days I will be over again and I shall be very happy to see you again.  You are a fine girl and I know divine Love…

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

Mrs. Lillian Knight, C.S.B.,
7 West Madison Street,
Chicago 2, Illinois.

Dear Mrs. Knight:-

Thank you so much for your most interesting letter of July 6. which finally caught up with me.  I was so pleased to hear how splendidly you had gotten along with your Association meeting and how its members all so enjoyed it.  Of course that was because it was divine Love speaking directly to them.  And they felt it in what they heard.

When you follow out what you see to be right it is always blessed of our Father.  As I consciously am I am the conscious identity of the Consciousness that is and that divine All-knowing Consciousness spontaneously is your very Mind and supplies you every instant with every thought you have and every word you utter.  So base yourself always on the being the conscious identity of the Consciousness that Is and always is All that Is.

Your work will become so much more natural doing this and you are sure of your ground through infinity.

When you come out to California this Fall be sure and come in and see me for I have much to tell you on the great need as Mrs. Eddy called it to handle animal magnetism and not so-called claims for that one claim animal magnetism covers the entire field.

Thank you again for writing me and with every good wish.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
March 26th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Thank you for your various interesting letters which you have sent me to read and which I am returning the ones you ask for back.  I am also sending you a correct copy of the Psychologist with my letter included for I did not want to send out a story on so-called hypnotism without the necessary Scientific correction.

I notice you indicated that there would be more leaflets on various subjects you are imagining.  I will frankly say God will have some job to make me write any more.  I do not want to write and I am thoroughly in accord with Mrs. Eddy’s statement that “writing, lecturing, preaching, etc” is not Christian Science but healing the sick is.  Therefore of my own self I shall write no more, so do not be implying something more is coming as I see you did in your letter to the Doctor.  There will be no more as far as I know and am concerned.  The Easter salutation was just an anniversary of one of the greatest days in my whole experience, when God was very very near and took me into a wondrous freedom.  I felt I could commemorate that without infringing on the completeness of what God has already written in Mrs. Eddy’s glorious Science and Health and her other divine utterances, and I will include what we all call C.C.T. But there comes an end to words and works are the necessity.  Your book will fill its necessary place when you have it finished by stopping this eternal letter writing to people and so hindering your own finishing of your own book.  No man can serve two masters.  Stop trying to do so and leave people alone and attend to the job God has given you to do.  Evil I think is trying to fool you and make you believe you are advancing the finishing of your Foundational Facts by butting into every Tom, Dick and Harry’s thought, by telling your whole story to each individual who bothers you with a letter and then sending copies of theirs and your reply to anyone that will accept and express their appreciation of them.  Leave mortal mind alone and do not try to enlighten it.  Let your book do that and stop wasting most of your time fooling with individual people.  It will not produce results and comes under Mrs. Eddy’s condemnation of “writing” instead of healing and that it is not Christian Science.  Do not fool yourself or try to help me fool myself because I will not be fooled.  It may have been partly that fool writing of that Church letter of Mrs. B–‘s that so completely through her off the beam and made her imagine she had done something wonderful when she had done no such thing except cripple herself.

So far as your friend the Doctor is concerned my advice to you is leave him alone and let God handle him and show him the way as He has done so beautifully all the way along his journey.  You can ball that all up with miles long letters, etc, turning his thought from what he has always stayed with, healing and end by mixing it up with founding facts which will never heal one thing except ignorance and our colored friend showed that human ignorance didn’t either delay or prevent her healing the cases that came to her, whereas the confusing of her thought with other things could easily do so.  Be wise and not obstinate.

You are a dear chap like that blessed wife of yours but you are your own worst enemy and write and talk too much.  My love is with you both and what is far more important God is with you every instant.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

210 The Barcelona,
15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
Easter Sunday 12 o’clock
April 1, 1956.

Dear Mary and Joseph,

Your perfectly lovely array of glorious white Carnations etc. etc. came in a little while ago and they are truly wonderful all of them perfectly white.  Thank you so much for them.  I shall enjoy them for a long time for I am sure they will keep perfectly.

In your note Joseph J. of the 23rd. you asked if I knew whether C– had a little “Rest food shop” on Wiltshire between the Town House and Gaylord.  I haven’t the faintest idea but I have heard he was practicing on Alexandria Street but I really don’t know.  I am leaving him to God to take care of, as well as all the conspirators.  I do not feel I know enough to handle such conditions of thought, so better leave them alone.  I have a strong feeling that CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH will handle them properly without any butting in.  It will answer all their questions about H.W.E.

You and Mary were very generous about the little Pamphlet and please tell her her few comments were much appreciated, and of course what you said Joseph J. were equally appreciated.  Thank you both.

And now with all that Easter means and is, as my every good wish to you both and tell Mary also please that her few minutes with Mildred and me were a rich remembrance of her sweet peace and charm.  All good to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace

P.S. This has been a day of wondrous rejoicing to me.  My dear God showed his loving arms ever around those who trust Him.  H.W.E.

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June 12. 1956

Dear Mrs. T:

Thank you for your letter of the 25th of May. 1956.  I do not usually reply to such letters because the old Biblical statement is still as true as ever.  “Ephraim is joined to his idols leave him alone”.

I do feel however it is due to the clear correct teaching of Christian Science to frankly say to you that in carefully reading your letter I am compelled to draw the conclusion that you are completely lacking in any true sense of what Christian Science really is.  You have so filled your mind with what this or that writer may have said or written that the spiritual sense has been entirely lost and the consequence is you have missed the key note of Christian Science which begins with the simple self evident declaration or rather awareness, I consciously am, and goes directly forward to the inevitable conclusion that Consciousness must first be or I could not consciously be.  From then on the correct deductions are all from this Consciousness that is.

Christian Science in one sense of the word has nothing whatever to do with the Bible or any book.  Christian Science is because it just is and relies upon nothing but its own intrinsic being.

But the Christian Metaphysician thanks God from the bottom of his heart, for those two grand books the Bible and Science and Health for their glorious inspirational writings without which the poor so-called mortal would be forever floundering around in the mess of human opinions and getting nowhere.

It would not make, NOW that I have had those two books, one bit of difference to me if they did not exist, I would still know everything about Being that I now know because it is not true because of any book, the most any book could ever do for me would be to point out the path and sort of keep one on that path till one could and did walk freely and firmly on it.  They are not the path but gloriously point it out so that the “wayfaring man though a fool cannot ere therein.”

Jesus used an expression that suits me admirably in speaking of all teachers and writers that ever came before him he said, “All that ever came before me were thieves and robbers”.  He meant by that that they everyone missed the real spiritual truth; that there is no matter, and so all such writings were based on the illusion there is matter and so automatically robbed God, Spirit of His eternal Allness, and therefore missed the real point of Being entirely, and thus proved largely useless as guides in any way, until retranslated spiritually.

Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy are the only two so-called mortals who amount to a row of pins so far as the actual statements and proofs of Being are concerned.  Both illustrated their understanding with irrefutable healings substantiating their words by their deeds, which after all, is the one and only thing that makes your words worth while.  All else is but a reed shaken by the wind.

If I understand those words and feel them in my heart I can do identically the same works; but not otherwise, except they may appear to be done through hypnotic suggestion, which is the thief that utterly fails in the end.

I am not, I might truthfully say, in the least interested in ancient or modern writers, who do not discern the difference between the human mind and the Divine, and mix them up, or rather try to do so and go smash, sooner or later.  I haven’t the slightest interest in the ancient writers so-called, they knew nothing virtually about spirituality. That is why the modern writers lacking spiritual understanding quarrel over the immaculacy of Mary’s wondrous unfoldment.  I care not whether Mary, the Virgin Mother, came of the line of Aaron or fiddle-de-dee.  I am interested only in that she came of enough understanding of God to usher in Christ Jesus.  To the true Christian Metaphysician no one begins with cells and so forth, all have the same divine origin, the one God, the one Conceiver, and the impartation from that one source is the real Mother, of all, and that that appears as the human mother simply catch that impartation of God, then labels it with her own unfortunate misunderstanding and called it you or me but that is all.  The origin is always the same, but the interpretation was horribly awry.  The virgin Mother’s interpretation was as near perfection as that period could allow.  To-day we have, as the true, the wholly spiritual concept without either so-called father or mother; through the understanding of Christian Science.

However even the human interpretation could never wholly eliminate the divine origin of even the poorest specimen of that interpretation, for the fact ever must remain that the one Cause God is the Source and origin of one and all and the would-be mother only enters the picture as the perceiver-never as the Conceiver of what unfolds.

If you do not start correctly you get no where.  If you wish to be straight in your understanding of Christian Science Mrs. Tyson study every word in the Platform of Christian Science in Science and Health and even commit it to memory and by the time you have accomplished that feat, the whole 32 articles, you may be able to write intelligibly and helpfully on the subject of the Virgin Mother.  Try it and a wonderful enlightenment awaits you.

This is all I have to say to you on this subject and I am not willing to enter into any correspondence on it.  I do not know how you got the leaflet CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH but you wished to express to me your erroneous concept of what it brought forth and this is my reply to you and the only one I shall indulge in.

Very sincerely yours,
Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

27010 Dapplegray Lane,
Rolling Hills, California.
Saturday afternoon  June 30th. 1956.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Well here I am back home again and my it is good to be stepping on the turf again.  It is lovely here.  Beth Munro will be home Wednesday the fourth and it will be good to see her.  Janet came in this morning but her Mother had to wait till reservations could be had and that was Wednesday so we will meet her Wednesday night.  Janet says they have had a lovely time and that her mother has enjoyed it immensely.  Bob as you doubtless know from something I probably wrote you, joined his father in Ohio immediately after graduating because he is taking a course in Trigonometry at a college there so as to enter Syracuse University or West Point I don’t know just which he is aiming at.  I would like to see him enter Syracuse and go on into Electronics which to me seems the only sane thing for a young chap to do these days.  The whole world is hanging on Electronics, then what is the use of anything less than the most important.  West Point is a splendid career but that is all where Electronics has the world at its feet.

Thank you very much for your clippings and letter which were awaiting my arrival here.  Mildred and Dorothea drove me to the airport in San Jose and then drove my car with all my stuff in it down and arrived next day.  Janet to-day has driven it off to her hospital work.  I have no further use for the little Plymouth and it will be most handy to her to come out and see her mother when she is off, so I gave it to her.  She is a good driver and went off very happy and I am glad to have the car used as during my whole stay in San Jose I do not believe I drove it 100 miles.  Mildred took me everywhere in her car and had to run the Plymouth occasionally to just keep battery etc. going.  So Janet seemed to fall heir to it exactly rightly and it will be of immense help to her and she will be able to run over and see her mother here frequently.  Beth Munro will be home Wednesday.

Thank you for your items on Javelin.  It is showing up very satisfactorily and I think our friend Todd will prove exactly right on his 1960 prognostications.  He was as you said in your letter a little premature with a few of his statements but he is a thoughtful fellow and as you also said other advisory people are falling right in line.  The bigness of Javelin is difficult to grasp.  It has such enormous possibilities with its immense territory and its various minerals that it is almost impossible to figure very closely.  No I do not take Investors or the other one you mentioned but Fiftch was sent me with their statement the other day and shows which way the wind is blowing.  They will all fall in line one by one because they have nothing but simple facts to record and nothing to boost but something to tell.

I should fancy that by the end of 1958 things will be moving quite fast with Javelin.  I noticed one statement by Doyle saying that the earnings by the end of 1958 should warrant the consideration of dividends.

Your letter that you wrote to Mrs. N– was perfectly correct and I should absolutely avoid any correspondence with her it seems to me.  Nothing to be gained by such a condition of thought.  She positively said as I remember it, that you had sent her copies of my letters to you of so and so.  That is what I referred to.  She called me up the day after I got here from the Allens and wanted to drive out.  I told her simply I did not have anything to talk to her about and good bye.  She knew I meant it and ended the call.  I have much better prospects for the lodgment of true Science than to expand energy on such conditions of thought.  God knows better what to do and how to do it than I do.  And in listening to His voice it seems to say LEAVE IT ALONE.

I am returning the clippings with thanks.  I have taken the Miner and seen the statements in it of Javelin.  I have stopped it however now.

I expect your garden is lovely and that you and Mary revel in it.

My best to you both.  Herbert W. Eustace.

P.S.  I am always glad to have for my Javelin file any data you care to send me.  Thanks.  Mrs. W– has more to her than most people.  I do not remember what I said to her when I wrote that note.  Yes, that Taint’s so story is excellent.  What were you thinking of for a leaflet?

* * * * * * * * * *

July 13, 1956.

Dear —-

I wouldn’t waste any time on planning what I would do about eating this or that thing or a meal.  Paul had some good common sense and wasn’t it Paul who said to eat what is set before you and say nothing for conscience sake?  I guess that holds today as well as yesterday although I wouldn’t say all of Paul’s statements as generally read are worth having much time wasted on them, although doubtless understood as he meant them, they are good for us all, but we have a greater than Paul with us not alone in Christ Jesus, but that angel of Light, Mary Baker Eddy.

Now about eyes. . .  Is it ever eyes that are wrong, or is it straight malicious animal magnetism?  Of course it is only the latter or you would not even have a sense of imperfection and a sense it always merely is, never a thing wrong, as you so well know.  Then be not tempted to handle things or no progress is made unless in some mysterious way you could reach and get lost in that eminence of Mind wherein is only infinite Love and its ever presence.

The details of argument have nothing whatever to do with any claim because the same arguments could attach to the minutia of any claim so not much value except to bring the so-called mortal’s thought into accord with Principle where it is lost.

You naturally read as you gain understanding into everything of Science and Health and all truth, your freer sense and larger viewpoint.  This is inevitable, so expect a constantly enlarging viewpoint and you will have it.

Good for you on weight, but never forget “your substance” outweighs the universe and that might be some weight!

Yes, unless one is mighty careful the constant sense of people becomes a burden and we think we can flee into the wilderness and get away from it, but wouldn’t it necessarily follow you wherever you thought you could hide, until you find yourself hidden in the secret place of the most High which of course means Mind.  Then all unlike infinite good t’aint so, t’aint so, and lo!  the kingdom of heaven is knocking at your door.

Enjoy your communion with Spirit which is all a vacation can possibly mean.  I am enclosing you a couple of “CALL NO MAN” with my very best.

* * * * * * * * * *

15 Hawthorne Way,
San Jose, California.
August 12th.  1956.

Dear J. E. J.:–

Here I am on another visit to Mildred.  Bob came home and was so with his mother; I thought it a good time to run up here and see how my old town was doing.

Todd called me and told me of his trip to Newfoundland and Labrador and how finally he found everything going along.  He seemed very pleased and last word said don’t sell Javelin, it is worth one hundred dollars.  He has said that many times before and I will go him one better, that before Javelin gets through it will finally sell for one hundred and fifty for its property is immense and Javelin will end up with leasing a lot of its superfluous acreage to some of the big steel companies who will put up their own mills, etc and just pay royalty to Javelin until its coffers bulge and incidentally Newfoundland prospers equally which is clearly Smallwood, the premier’s idea I judge for he scotched a lie promulgated by some enemies of Javelin that Newfoundland was going to repudiate its guarantee of Javelin’s bonds which Smallwood didn’t do a thing to that lie, but said on the contrary Javelin was destined to be the biggest iron ore mine in the world and from what I have studied of their properties he is quite right.

Todd said he was making a return trip to the Javelin properties in September and invited me to go with him.  I shall do that very thing if my dear home-maker is happy and free and is her old self.  She has had so much hospital stuff it is pretty hard, but Tain’t so thank God, and never has been so, in spite of all the devilish malpractice she has had to endure.  I wish she could go along with me and next year she will but this time the accommodations are not good enough I think.

Todd also implied that with in a few weeks some interesting news would be issued that would run the stock up to thirty dollars a share.  But that is nothing to what it will finally be, but is in the right direction any way.  I think one thing Todd was counting on is the fact Doyle has been in Europe and sometime is to return this month I believe and doubtless will bring back in his pocket several good contracts for the rest of the 6000000 to put, tax, the mill at its capacity. France and Italy etc. both need ore and others doubtless too to say nothing of a lot of Steel companies in this country also need much more than they have and are beginning to look to Javelin again.  Well God has enough for all and no one can have what belongs to another so everybody has all he needs to supply every need.  Infinite Love has no preferences but is universal in its adaptations and bestowals as Mrs. Eddy has said so faithfully.

I know you are both busy.  Start every thought from God and look to Him as the Giver of all good.  In other words Spirit is All and there is no matter to make fools of mortals.  Please give my love to your dear wife and tell her to ever see infinite Good alone as husband and governed alone by God and never by malicious mind with its humbugging lies of pleasure and pain in matter.  That is pure illusion and she knows it.

My best to you my dear chap.  This above all to thine own self be true and it must follow as the night the day thou cans’t not then be false to any man, as Shakespeare so perfectly put it.  Again my best-

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

It just struck me whether you had a touch button or something on your strokes in signing your name or how do you calculate when to stop!  That is one of your affectations, you goose, why don’t you sign your name so that it can be read.  You like to read God’s name, divine Love, and you bet He always signs it so that it can be grasped by everyone, if they are willing and looking.  And you are that very fellow that is ever so willing and so looking.

* * * *

I expect to be at my home again by the 24th of September unless by any chance I have to run a quick trip East, but I shouldn’t be gone over two weeks, but I fortunately am nothing to count on, but will see you soon anyway.

* * * *

In regard to your question about the “prayers in Christian Science churches shall be offered for the congregations collectively and exclusively”.

Of course that would necessarily be so, for in Christian Science one deals only with just one, one Cause and one effect, the one person would include the one congregation and that congregation would be divine Mind with you, and therefore would include also all person.

Just as in all treatment it is God with you and there is, as it were, no placing of the treatment whatever, God does His own placing.

That by-law was a gentle reminder that treatment, prayer, is never personal.  That is all there is to it I feel.

* * * *

Thank you for both your letters and your phone call.  It was nice to hear your cheery voice and to know how naturally all things were moving with you.  Good is the eternal law of being and so pervades and governs your every thought and act.  It could not be otherwise or infinite Good would cease spontaneously to be infinite and being would collapse.  But Good is and is All that is and maintains each one in perpetual harmony, doing and saying the right thing at the right moment every instant.

Remember you speak and write as the activity of God and only as such and the responsibility is not on you but on your Source.  So have unbounded confidence that all that you are led to say is from on high and is as much for you to listen to and imbibe as for me and all.

Always maintain your position as listener and so as Mrs. Eddy says hear His voice and understand His word and so become His messenger.

Do not be anxious about anything but hold to the even tenor of your way quietly about your Father’s business.

Man never born and never dying is forever in heaven.  He doesn’t have to get there or attain anything.  He is now perfect and shows it forth in thought, word and deed.

You know all this then there is no need for me to remind you of what is so present with you.

You are a dear earnest chap and divine Love is ever with you.

My best to you.

Herbert W. Eustace

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1957 Letters
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Excerpts From Letters On:


by Herbert W. Eustace  C.S.B. 1957

“Man is the church of God, for he is that which represents divine Principle.  Church is not a thing but a divine idea of Love, so you have never joined the church, because you are ever at one with Church.  You know this, stand on what you know; do not talk about it but just be it.”

Of course, you have a perfect right as a Christian Scientist or anyone else, to attend the church of your choosing, or not to attend any church.  What we all need to listen to is the voice of divine Love, but that voice fortunately does not need any edifice to be heard in.  It does need, as the Bible puts it, a humble and a contrite heart to hear what He says, and that you have. (Kipling’s Recessional, P. 219)  (Psalms 51:17; Isa. 57:15)

There is no need of your withdrawing from The Mother Church or a branch church that I know of.  Do so if you wish but what is there to be gained by it; Nothing whatever that I can see.  Church and man are synonymous terms, the idea of God.  You cannot be less than man, can you?  All those doings are really minor and need not concern you a bit.  Handle animal magnetism by finding divine Love as embracing all that you mean by animal magnetism and when lost in the eminence of that REALIZATION, there is no evil to eliminate and all is well, as all there is.  However, whatever you do, do not fall for the rottenness of mentally malpractising on The Church of Christ, Scientist, by accepting or repeating the lie that the Church of Christ, Scientist could ever be less than crowded.  Watch:  Jesus said.

You have nothing to do with Science and Health or any of Mrs. Eddy’s writings except to profit by them in the true redemption of thought from matter to divine Love.  What Mrs. Eddy established she established it whether called organization or what not, because she realized God, divine intelligence, was directing her. That is enough. That is enough!  I know you would be the last one calling himself a Christian Scientist to question your understanding against Mrs. Eddy’s.

May I be perfectly frank with you and say I would not knowingly contribute one cent to anything that was in the least degree trying to upset in the slightest what I feel Mrs. Eddy established.  I have sufficient faith in infinite Love’s Allness to await the logic of events and allow God to do all the adjusting.  Be the humble follower of Mrs. Eddy and you will serve divine Love in the best way possible because you will heal the sick not through vituperation, but reflecting that Love that is God.  Damning is not the road to progress; so avoid it, but healing the sick is.  Then do that always and Love will bless you abundantly.  Do not live to find fault but only live to let men so see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Stay with what you know is true Science.  I should judge you are running around too much and not staying with what you know is true.  People who are looking here and there are not the ones to be trusted.  Divine Love has given us, through Mrs. Eddy’s wondrous books and writings the full text of Christian Science and that Love has also given us in the C.C.T. the schoolroom book of Science and Health.

* * * * * * * * * *


January 26th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

You are a dear chap most generous in your letters and word of mouth, but please don’t waste your hard earned money on telephoning when an air mail is so soon on hand, unless it is essential for your happiness and you’d be a most terrible goose to allow language to be essential in anyway for your completeness and happiness.  God is that ALL and only Him and who knows that better than you do.

But I do appreciate your kindly intent tremendously but please do not waste anything.  Your letters are very informative and keep me well up on things of Javelin which are most interesting.  You are and can continue to be a fine help to Doyle in holding him steady to his purpose, first to get Javelin into fine production and then to build up its wonderful empire, to, as Mrs. Eddy says, “to bless all mankind”, that is in need of that kind of a blessing.  The “earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”, so all good is for one and all.  I know how well you realize this.

I had a fine letter from our friend Todd yesterday.  Todd, while full of enthusiasm, is a typical New England conservative and I feel is a well balanced and a great help, as he has always been, to Javelin and its management.  He has a keen sense for the fundamentals.

In one of your letters you asked me what I meant by putting D.V. after some of my statements as to what I expected or wanted perhaps to do.  That D.V. is an old form used by some meaning, Deus Volens, God willing.  It has always intrigued me and I sometimes fall into using it.  I had an Uncle a very brilliant mathematician, a high Wrangler of Cambridge, also a clergyman and he used in his letters to often use D.V. and it always struck me as a child even how natural.  If God is not willing what good is any action or thought.

It strikes me Johnston that our New York Joseph will end up being as fully posted on every detail of Javelin as he is on “FOUNDING FACTS”.  That won’t hurt him, for understanding is true Wisdom.  But see it all as God expressing Himself and only that and you will be free and happy.

We are enjoying rain in California and it is most welcome as it always has been since I have known California.  We have also even seen snow in California again not just on the mountains but the lowlands too.

My love to you both.  Remember, ever, there is but one Presence God, divine Love filling all space and you are His activity ever about your Father’s business and there is no animal magnetism for there is but one Mind.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

Friday February 8th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Well don’t fall off your chair, but on the 21st. of this month I am going by plane to New Zealand for possibly a few weeks and stop on the way back for another few weeks at Hawaii and get back to California just about in time for a Labrador trip when of course I will see you for a good chat on my return journey via New York.

Well your judgment on Javelin going up was pretty correct for that is what it did do and was bound to do, for the one liar only voices its lie because the truth is right there with its fact and so the more active the lie the more does it show the truth about anything to be and its activity.

You are a dear chap to call me up so generously but I do wish you would use your typewriter instead of wasting so much money, when an air mail, especially Special Delivery, arrives so promptly.  Why then telephone?  Why not just write a few lines?  And only a few hours difference in time of receipt.  If I was buying and selling stocks it might be different but I am not.  I can truly say what Mrs. Eddy said herself, I have too much of earth right now and all I want is more of heaven, Spirit and all things spiritual.  Nothing else is worth while and is but for the fleeting moment, not that one should neglect opportunities to use and increase what one can but do not let it get too enticing, or it is pure animal magnetism.

With every good wish to you and Mary and the abundance of His love is with you every moment guiding and directing your every step and leading you in the paths of His righteousness.

Herbert W. Eustace

P.S.  Of course I am taking Mrs. Munro with me for it is really for her sake I am going now.  Her doctor feels strongly such a trip may be very helpful and I have felt so for a number of months.  She needs a complete change and am so glad to be able to take her, but it is God alone that can and does really help.  H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *
Feb 19/57

Dear J.E.J.
Thanks very much for yours of 16 re Javelin and Mary’s article in Feb. McCalls.

Please thank her for it.  It was as usual to the point and very good.

What you say about Javelin is correct and so in time it will grow its real value.  It is not of man or matter.  It is idea and so for ever governed by God and there is no malicious mind operating as animal magnetism in any other so-called nonentity to control, direct or influence its operation in any way.  Only our Mind is and you know this.  My first address in New Zealand will be Tasmanian Hotel, Auckland.  How short or long I have no idea.  May make it our headquarters for serving both islands.  God will direct as He does all things.  My best to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace

Have sent you leaflets you asked for. H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *

The Station Hotel
New Zealand
Feb. 27th/57.

Dear Joseph E. J.

Just a line to say that New Zealand is a very lovely state in its beautiful freshness and greenery, but it surely is in many ways crude.  We are going next week on a motor trip for 21 days around both Islands and we are promised it will be most enjoyable.  We are going on a Cook’s Conducted and after that we are going across to Sydney and then up by boat to Samoa and Tahiti and there on to Honolulu where we shall stay some time if we get what we would like in accommodations and if we do not like it we shall go back to California and then in May, before to see the Javelin outfit.  Which a cablegram from our friend Todd looks as though interesting news might break loose any time now.  It will sooner or later anyway.  All is fine I know with you both.  Mrs. Munro is stronger I am sure and will continue to be as God made her I know for that is the Law of Being.

Every good wish to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

     Suva Fiji                         April 17 – 57

Dear J.E.J.

Thus far on our way.  Tomorrow we go to Apia, Samoa and Tahiti, where we have to stay 13 days as the flying boat from here only goes every 2 weeks and the ? of   ?  ? ?  loaded planes down.  We shall return and make for Honolulu the 23rd and will be at the Moana a week at least.

This is too much moisture for my fancy but lovely for grass and shrubbery.

Scenery is much the same every where in these Islands very green and fresh.  ?  ? and will agree nothing to speak of without individual understanding to progress. Christian Science as the our Saviour of many conditions is plainly evident and it will require C.S. in its true sense not merely in its religious element as a Church.

Very best to you both.


* * * * * * * * * *

May 20th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. Johnston:–
I have decided to leave here for New York and Montreal this coming Saturday 25th on the 9:00 A.M. United AirLines reaching New York at 8 P.M.  If you will kindly engage a room for me with bath at that Hotel you sent me to last time I will appreciate it and I will go straight there and then telephone you.  I decided to go early and have a chat with you before going on to Montreal for the meeting whenever it is to be held.

Then I think I will return to California via Toronto and see those fellows who are running Pronto Uranium.  Of course after the trip to the Mines.

Your telephone call was most illuminating.  Evidently Doyle and his crew have done a big job with those other steel men and Smallwood has been no small help I know.  I shall be glad to get your papers and will bring them back with me for you.

By the way I have just received that book THE FAR WESTERN FRONTIER 1830 to 1860 you two dear people sent me and it is wonderful history and your book giving your Uncle’s career is most interesting and enlightening.  Thank you very much for both of them.  I shall gain a great deal of genuine history from them.

Will see you both very soon now.  Every good wish.  Herbert W. Eustace.

* * * * * * * * * *

15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California


July 7th. 1957.

Dear friend Merriman.:–

Both Johnston and I enjoyed your synopsis of your address.  Speaking from the basis of absoluteness it could not help but be excellent.  It doesn’t need any correcting except whatever you may give it your self.  Always, as you do, look only to God the one infinite intelligence to show you just what you should do and say.  When God intrusts one with a job He takes care of that one and the job for He is the one and only intelligence guiding as you so well know one and all.

I sent you some of the papers with the Javelin account in it and when the full report comes out you will get that which will give you all that took place at the meeting.  One of the high lights of it was Smallwood the Premier of Newfoundland addressing the stock holders of Javelin and telling them why Newfoundland chose Javelin as the recipient of the marvelous gift of NALCO some 27000 squares miles of territory to mine and develop.

Things look very well for the company but it will be several years before I think dividends will appear for the whole thing is so vast it will take time to assess it all and get going but it is a fine long growth proposition and will stay with anyone for a hundred years if they will stay with it.  I did not go up to the property in Labrador for I felt it was too big to grasp at this time so postponed it to next year when things will certainly be moving.  Javelin is enlisting as many customers to whom to parcel out different mill-sites some of the big U.S. steel mills with an ultimate production, a few years hence, of some 22,000,000 tons of iron ore a year on which Newfoundland will receive some 22 cents a ton royalty each year which will mean a tremendous lot for schools etc. etc. for the Province and they are delighted at the prospect naturally.  What blesses one has to bless all but patience is a virtue especially in Javelin.

I was thinking of going over to England for a few months to indulge my fancy around Glastonbury where Jesus spent some eighteen years of his life as a youngster from twelve to thirty and there pondered the deep things of God.  Sometime I will do it if that is God’s will.  In the meantime I decided to return to California and await here at my niece’s apartment, for His voice to show me just the way to go.  I have been contemplating of course returning to Los Angeles and taking or making an office there on the order of the Los Altos Hotel where you may remember I stayed a month to sort of test it out.

My home at Rolling Hills is I feel too inconvenient for an office, too far out etc.  I do not know just what I want.  I should like a place surrounded with flowers or plenty of them anyway, that is just the dream but I love flowers around.  Those little English cottages with a mass of flowers would sound fine.  But I know there is exactly the right place for me and it will unfold if I listen spiritually and there is no other way of really listening.  If you or Mrs. Carr run across anything or think of any plan tell me.  That Los Altos place was excellent in a way but it seems terribly lonesome in a sense.  I do not know if it is still vacant but the right place is awaiting me I know whatever that may be.  If you have any ideas, pass them along they may be of God.

The world doesn’t seem to be getting much peace and of course it cannot because the pressure of Truth is becoming more resistless all the time and every mortal must finally bow its head in submission until there is no mortality to submit which is really the fact right this instant.  God Is and nothing else is and that means to one and all good is omnipresent and nothing else is even to the “wickedest” as Mrs. Eddy says.  And that only means me, so I do not have to go far to correct it and have heaven at hand.  One fact God and one negative that is ever merely proclaiming the positive animal magnetism.  How exquisitively simple and mine.  No sin disease or death over there to be destroyed merely a negative statement of the reality, divine Love waiting my acceptance in language I can understand called the negative.  But which is really Love’s presence calling me forward to the glorious heaven ever with me, perfection.

You will be off to your San Diego pretty soon now.  Have a good time communing with God and He will fill you with all you need to say and think.

My best to you as ever.


* * * * * * * * * *


15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose             July 7/57

Dear Joseph E.    Thanks very much for inclosures very interesting.  Steel has a big future before it.  U.S. had a long article on that.  If any thing special is printed in the paper, I shall enjoy reading it.  The enclosed 1.00 will pay postage and paper.  That was a lovely trip you and Mary had.  Stay with Founding Facts.  That will satisfy you.

My best to you both.


* * * * * * * * * *


15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.  7/4/57.

My dear Friends:–

Here I am back again in old San Jose.  I stopped to see Mildred before going on down to Rolling Hills which I have just discovered was a very good thing I did, as Bob had taken home with him a friend from New York so the house was pretty full.  I will go down later on.  I was in a sense disappointed to hear from Bob that while he had passed all exams mental and physical, he was turned down at this time for eye defect that they say can be straightened out for next year.  I wrote the boy that every obstacle in one’s path was just an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson and I knew he would find it so, if he would maintain God in his thinking as All-in all.  To repeat even this lie to you is animal magnetism so see you straighten it out with yourself at once and excuse me for repeating the slightest lie.

I had a good trip back and arrived San Jose about two o’clock Tuesday morning, and surprised Miss Mildred, phoning her later on in the morning.  It is very wonderful being one side of the country one hour and almost the next the other side but that is nothing to what is before us for Mind is instantaneous.

This little note is just to tell you two dear people how much I enjoyed my month (pretty nearly) with you in New York.  You made it most pleasant for me and I feel I gained a great deal from that stay.  It was very delightful seeing your “Farm”, as I believe you call it, and it is sufficient of a farm to satisfy you for the present at least.  Unless one lives on the farm a very small bit of one is enough.  You have a lovely spot for quiet and rest.

You have told Mary I am sure all about the Montreal meetings and that now all is set to go on and God is ever going on so things are moving.  Keep them doing so by knowing God., that is the only way and it controls the minutest detail of daily life, for all life is the manifestation of the divine Life filling all space and as Mrs. Eddy says guiding every event of our careers.

California is as usual getting into Summer and yesterday was a pretty good attempt around 90 just to remind me of your City.  Mildred and Dorothea are fine and enjoyed hearing about the meetings.

Now keep your gaze on God and since He is All you cannot keep it elsewhere and all of good is yours now and ever.  My very best to you both.  You are very dear friends.  Again thank you so much for you sweet attention.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

July 17/57

Dear J. E. J.:–

Thanks so much for yours of 12 enclosures most interesting which I am herewith returning.  Also your copy of you letter to Primrose.  Forget Wharton affair, they returned to Carmel after their visit to L.A. in 1954 and intended to go East and see New England.  Nothing strange about any of it except never writing a line but that was their business. If a finite sense of Church is useful to anyone it will appear to them as such.  Best to you both.  H.W.E.

* * * * * * * *


7/17/57.                                   15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.

Dear J.E. J.:–

Thank you very much for so promptly sending me those McElvoy statements. They were very good but I hope you have not depleted your supply too much by letting me have them.  These records will be sort of interesting to read a few years from now when Javelin is a great big holding company in a way.  But I was very interested in your statement that Doyle told you he was going up to somewhere to get Julian under way.  I hope he will stay with that for Julian is where I am looking to for our first dividends, because that German English contract has got to be supplied before the end of next year and that alone will make dividends for Javelin unless our people get spending too fast, if so they will probably hear from it next meeting.  Keep dividends before Doyle’s thought all the time.  It is dividends alone that will make the market price of the stock worth while and so go up.

I see that the papers sent directly from St. Johns to me at Rolling Hills cost sixty cents in postage alone.  Then the dollar I left you couldn’t have paid properly all their expense so I am inclosing another dollar in this which will help take care of it.  And thanks for the trouble you had about it.

I saw an advertisement of S.L. Garnet Co. Canadian Research Bureau on 20 Wall Street, New York of a full report about Javelin.   I sent for it and if it is anything new I will tell you, but it probably is not.  You are on to everything as it takes place and these other fellows come in on the tail end but I just thought I would see what was being put out.

It isn’t possible to get anything very satisfactory about PRONTO except that it is working steadily and as I saw sometime ago expected to take in between four and five millions net each year.  But now the whole thing seems swallowed up in Canada Tinto as subsidiary of the big British Tinto. I have lost my interest in it, because when a small company gets swallowed up in a big one it always seems to me it is lost.  That is why I want no swallowing up of Javelin by all these other companies but that is not likely if it keeps its own identity as Julian producing.  Also of course Javelin is what you might call now the mother of them all, which of course puts it in a different category.

My best to you both.


* * * * * * * * * *

15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.

Dear J. E. J.:–

Thank you for those clippings etc. which I returned right away after reading them.  They are very interesting and it was nice of you to send them to me to read.  That was a good article of Payson Todd’s of July 11th.  He is strong on his next move being 53 to 64.  I think he may be right but I would give it longer than does he.  I suppose that may be that I am not so much interested in the market as in the steady growth through accomplishment of ore etc.  Now the etc. taking in NALCO takes on a very big turn, for in all that property there is doubtless a bushel of varying metals of great value and I also see Todd includes some oil territory.  I didn’t know before that Labrador had any oil discoveries yet.

If Doyle gives his attention to pushing Pickens to getting Julian into production as soon as possible it will in turn make the other companies push their properties also, and the sooner the ore is being produced the better pleased will Newfoundland be and Smallwood will be able to smile very benignantly on his supporters.

It will all come in good time and I am sure things are moving quite rapidly now and will during the next twelve months.  If you hear of special progress I shall be glad to hear of it.  That is what infinite Progress means and God as All-in-all means that very thing infinite progression.  Every one acting in obedience to the one Mind with nothing obstructing in the least.  Keep clearly before you God’s absolute Allness and therefore all that there is to what is called animal magnetism is the presence of God operating for the glory of God even though appearing in negative language.  The language is of no moment but the knowing the source and purpose of the activity is all important and bars out any mistaken sense.  Be clear on this so as to maintain the absolute Allness of God infinite good.  This maintains the perfection of all business but if you leave animal magnetism as something other than of God you have a devil to meet all the time so WATCH, WATCH as Jesus said.  Watch what?  Whom you acknowledge as All-in-all.

Tomorrow I am expecting Willard Maxwell of Seattle.  He is running down over night. He is a fine fellow.  Also Mrs. Hanks is in S.F. and is coming down to visit Mildred for a couple of days.

As I am planning now, I expect to be in Los Angeles again about the 20th. of August, after Mildred returns from Alaska.  She will drive me down and I may get settled to work at the Los Altos Hotel as I did before.  I have to stay at work.  27010 is a little too inconvenient I feel.  Bob is at home with a good job with the Telephone people travelling around at times as needed.  I am so glad.

My best to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *


15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.  7/29/57.

Dear J’s.:–

Well I am making another move.  On the 20th. of August my what I call my office apartment address will be 405 the Los Altos Apartment Hotel, 4121 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 5, California.  I decided I must keep in what one might call the active work of Christian Science and not sit down and go to sleep.  So at long distance I engaged this 405 since through the help of Mrs. Carr.  It is on the fourth floor and Mrs. Carr says it couldn’t be improved.  It gets a good West breeze and looks of course West which we all must do to the “Golden shore of Love and the peaceful sea of harmony” as Mrs. Eddy so gracefully states it.  Mildred will drive me down when she and Dorothea return from Alaska and I have taken the suite from August 20th, and I fancy it will be permanent.  Mrs. Carr says it has all been very nicely repainted and refurnished so it should be just what I wanted.  I know anyway it will be as Mrs. Carr says it is, perfect.  Let me say Mrs. Thelma Carr I have known several years and she has been secretary to our friend Josiah M. for a number of years and is a very genuine metaphysician.  You may remember I had an apartment for an office at the Los Altos last year for a little while to sort of try it out but then decided I did not want that apartment.  It was on the ground floor and too dark and lonesome but this is on the fourth floor and Mrs. Carr says to her it is just perfect.  Anyway what divine Love supplies will be good enough for me.  But that will be my address after the 20th. of August and I shall endeavour to find it a true haven of happiness dispensing the works of divine Love.

Mrs. Eddy says she established the cause of C.S. through healing and it is only through healing that it will go forward.  So as the son of God we must do His work and that as you well know means finding Him as sole everything of the minutest thing in one’s daily life.  I know you two do this and are reaping always the reward of so doing.

Your Billy G– is still firing away I see, as Jesus said they have their reward.  That reward is like the repentant thief on Calvary, a peace that for the time satisfies them but in the end it must all be replaced with the peace that comes of the understanding there is no matter, no sin, disease, or death, because divine Love fills immensity and there is no room for ought but His glory.

Thank you for your snaps of Javelin.  I feel things are moving along that line and I am so glad Doyle is thoroughly awake that to have the whole immense undertaking prosper and grow to first get Julian going is essential, and the rest will follow suit.  It isn’t any need for words it is deeds that are required.  God brings deeds to the front always.

I know you two are doing finely and enjoying your lovely hide-away.  See divine Love as All-in-all to it and its joy will be everlasting and your joy will grow and multiply.  My very best to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Thank you for your letter of the 7th. and the clippings etc you kindly sent me continuing the World’s St. Lawrence write up which has been quite good.  I am returning the last ones you sent.  I returned the first two.

You are having a good time at your Farm and evidently getting it in good shape especially the pond for the rain you are promised both “early and latter rains”.  That only means all the rains you need.  Do not forget that rain is no different to a loaf or a fish and these you know Jesus proved as everpresent.  There is nothing you can conceive of that is not everpresent.

Mildred and Dorothea are in Alaska and will be back on the 15th, and then on the 20th, she will land me back in 405 Los Altos Hotel where I expect to find it just as God always has everything for everyone.  Do not have any concern about that my dear fellow because God has never failed me and never will I know.

Doyle is quite uncommunicative when he is on some mission and that is the wise way to be.

My very best to you both.


* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181

15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.  Aug/10/57.

Dear Josiah C.M.:–

I do not believe and neither do you, that Mrs. Eddy ever believed in any ISM of any kind except the divine.  That she intended the Monitor to reach all mankind goes without saying.  To Mrs. Eddy there could be only one World neither national or international but just ONE.  Mrs. Eddy knew how graciously to accept any intended gift and naturally one of Conciliation would be most pleasing for if Science stands for one thing above all else, it is oneness with all that means and is good.

Mrs. Eddy was dedicated to God and God alone and that took in All, for God is All-in-all.  If Christian Scientists would join God completely and find Him as All-in-all that would cast out nothing but not joining anything, or how can you join what you already belong to in your all with God.

Your letter to your friend is to the point and good.  Haven’t you mixed me up with somebody else!  I do not remember Edward Kimball giving such a lecture but he doubtless did and he certainly roused Barrett from what would apparently have been death, but when, I know not; so far as his lecture you refer to goes, and what difference.  You know T’aint so is all there is to any of it.  The only dead you will ever raise is in the dead loafer right at home and he is only as Jesus said of Lazarus just sleeping away his time waiting some one to come and give him a good swift kick and tell him to have more sense than that, and not make a fool of himself as Mrs. Eddy did with the drunken man and what she said, she said aroused his dormant sense and he immediately ceased to make a fool of himself any longer and those looking on called him then sober.  The whole thing never occurred.  Man is never less than man.

Start from God and end with God and leave anatomy alone.

My best to you,


* * * * * * * * * *

(McClendand handwritten in left corner)

15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.  8/11/57.

Well you dear Old Soldier:-

I would like to throw my arms around you and give you our old Sergeants command to we boys gathered on the parade ground “head erect, shoulders well pressed back eyes to the front”.  How often I still say that to myself and now know how true it has got to be with me if I am to hold the line and go steadily forward and that we all have to do for there is nothing else for us to do, but go forward ever forward.

I am writing this from San Jose but you will see the new address is 405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel, 4121 Wilshire Blvd. about eight blocks due West of The Gaylord.  I have taken this apartment it is only ten miles from Rolling Hills so whenever I feel like it I can go over (or I have my room there of course always) and Mrs. Munro keeps the house going all the time with her sister Clara as housekeeper which makes it very nice for me.  But I did not feel Rolling Hills was convenient for my keeping on seeing people and that I wish to do of course.

Well my dear Child you are in your old camping ground again I learned to-day from Lorraine and I am glad of that for I feel Lorraine’s atmosphere is easier for you then the household of more or less youngsters you had up North, but when all is said and done no person place or thing has much to do with any of us because we are lost as it were if God is not found as absolutely All-in-all.

Unless the Christian Scientists can find God, divine Love as All-in-all and really meaning that, meaning that God is all the malicious mind there could ever be and in so doing find divine Love filling all space he is not handling animal magnetism but is thinking of it as something bad and to be destroyed.  That is just giving lip service to God’s All-in-all.

What a wondrous statement All-in-all is.  All to All to all life to all death to things present and things to come and that is what Divine Love is All to all.  Thank God and all that ever seems to disappear is the erroneous sense of everything and that doesn’t even disappear because the true sense is right there all the time.

We will talk it all over one of these days and in the meantime you are the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.  His well beloved Son and always has been.  This is what we have always loved and always will love.  His arms are ever around you dear Child for you are His.

My best to you.


* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181

15 Hawthorne Way, San Jose, California.  8/17/57.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Yours of the 15th in this mornings mail.  Thanks for it.  I like those aver-depois coming off.  That is fine for you.  What is the use of carrying around an extra lot of water etc when you already have all the water there is “for the water I shall give you shall be in you a well of water springing up unto everlasting life”.  That is water worth while.  But never-the-less fine for you my boy.  When you start something keep it up if it is of God, until you hear well done good and faithful servant thou shalt be made ruler over many things.

Javelin report sounds excellent.  That is really all it can sound for divine Love embraces all there is to Javelin to bless all mankind.

Yes.  You are quite right.  Tuesday morning early Mildred and I will leave for Los Altos Hotel not “San Carlos” as you said in the note from you to-day.  They got back from Alaska promptly on time and enjoyed their trip.  After Mildred gets back from taking me she and Dorothea will go to their old stand-bye Gold Lake for ten days.

Isn’t that fine about the bus for Mary letting her have so much more time out at your lovely little hide away?  That child is a terrific worker.  She seems on the go every minute but there is one nice thing about it.  It has lots of change all the time, persons, places and things.

With my best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181
Friday, August 22nd. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Well I surely have been a rotter not to write until to-day, to thank you for that lovely plant that was awaiting me in my apartment in Los Angeles when we arrived here on the 20th., and as your letter said to Mildred, we were doubtless when you were writing having a lovely drive down.  Yes, we did indeed and leaving San Jose at six fifteen A.M. arrived here at 4.15 P.M.  Glad to get in.  Both Mildred and I were delighted with the apartment, and we have been every minute since getting here, you might say unpacking, except that Tuesday morning we went out and picked up a bushel of things at Rolling Hills and I tell you it is some job to sort the mass of stuff I had again accumulated besides of course what I brought down from San Jose.  But as my coloured friend said T’aint so.  That ends it.

But that is the excuse I give for my apparent rudeness, not writing and thanking you so much for the fresh green lovely plant.  That now adorns a very important place at the door.  It was just too good of you both to do it but there is no stopping you I suppose.  But I wouldn’t exchange it my dear boy for the world, as the saying is.  It is exactly right just where it is and again my very best thank you both.

Also thanks for your letters.  Javelin surely is promising many things, not the least what this lumber deal is going to produce.  That is, simple in a way, cut it and take it as it were.  I hope Doyle while on his trip managed to get some of those other European Countries to plan on putting up their own mills.  That they need the ore there, goes without saying, but we want several to put up their own mills and pay Javelin royalties.  But they are doing well and I shall look forward to seeing whatever report Doyle sends out but thanks to you we have the nucleus of it from you and thanks for sending it.

We have a lovely West wind that drives right through this apartment so we do not mind the weather.  Mildred left a few minutes ago with her best to you both which is added to mine.  Again many thanks.  You are dear thoughtful people.  H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181
August 31st. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

Thanks very much for yours of the 29th with some interesting clips. I am returning the ones you asked to have returned.  It is a good thing human belief is getting shocked at its increase of population etc. and what it is facing.  Of course truly there is never an increase of any kind.  Creation is a finished proposition for it is merely Creator expressed through impartation.  It is not more people, for you are the one man of God and as such man your whole reality of being is expressed as divine Love’s impartation of Himself to you His only begotten son, but appearing to you as the infinity of person place and thing but that is only impartation or the Holy Ghost.  Father is divine Love.  Son is you His man and Holy Ghost is His eternal impartation of Himself in infinite unfoldment.  Keep it simple always.

Your job is just one and that one job is to designate the infinity of negation not as evil but as animal magnetism as Mrs. Eddy terms it “hypnotism or animal magnetism as the specific term for error or mortal mind”.  Then wrap animal magnetism in its every phase in divine Love and what is there left of evil.  Nothing whatever.

This is your job destroy nothing, how could you?  Then do not try but keep your God divine Love All-in-all always and you are free and well.  Have only One God and one man and you have every problem solved.

Have a lovely trip and give my love to Mary and tell her I appreciate her clear vision.

My best to you both.


P.S.  Mildred and I do not think this is the only apartment on earth for me, but at this moment it is mighty convenient and handy.  There is nothing elaborate about it but it fills my needs exactly and that is my need.  It is small and compact and faces the West for the breeze, an all important.  H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *

September 4th, 1957.

Miss Dollie —,
1356 Alewa Drive, Honolulu, T. H.

Dear Miss —:–

That was very thoughtful of you to write me about your Mother.  Yes she has gained a great deal from her experience because all that death accomplishes is to destroy the belief of death itself.  Your mother will go forward from this point with more assurance than ever before for she knows now that death was just a bluff and had no power whatever to affect her in any way and could never touch Life.  She is talking with God all the time and is finding you her child with Him always safe in his care.

If you come to the mainland I shall be very glad to see you and have a talk with you.  I wonder if you know Miss Ruth —.  Her home is 656 Prospect Street.  She is a clear thinking Scientist.  Call on her if you feel like it I am sure she would be glad to see you.

With every good wish to you.


* * * * * * * * * *

September 6th, 1957.

Dear Mrs. Bryan:-

Thank you for your letter of the 4th.  Of course you have a perfect right as a Christian Scientist or anyone else to attend the church of your choosing or to not attend any church.  What we all do need to listen to is the voice of divine Love but that voice fortunately does not need any edifice to be heard in.  It does need as the Bible puts it a humble and a contrite heart to hear what He says and that you have.

I was glad you are closely sticking to S. & H. and C.C.T. the school room book as I always call it because they will carry anyone through any and every experience into the sure haven of happiness and contentment.  The question of marriage is based as you know fundamentally on the belief of incompleteness, here is man and here is woman apparently two but God only has one man-woman even as God is Father-Mother not two but one.  You remember the Bible says and He called their name Adam not Adam and Eve.  Think of yourself from this standpoint then you will find a perfect peace and satisfaction in being just as you are.  Study all of Mrs. Eddy’s writings on this subject and I know you will find harmony but do not try to find either a man or a woman.  Consider carefully how you started your metaphysical thinking.  You began absolutely alone with yourself I consciously am and from that you induced not deduced that Consciousness must first be or you could not consciously be.  But to start you had to begin with yourself alone not another thing and as Mrs. Eddy puts it so well “The Christian Scientist is alone with his one being and the reality of things”.  You are dealing with God, divine Love always and it is from divine Love you have your entire being.  Remember this and as the Bible says “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path”.

Try this insistently and you will find it works.  I am going to give you the address of a very earnest Scientist in Clearwater Florida, her home is Mrs. Grace Collar, 1324 Palmetto Drive.  If you are down that way be sure and see her and have a good chat.

In your music work, declare that there is a constant demand for all you have to give, that is the law of God, there can neither be a demand or a supply of anything without both qualities of Mind being instantly present.  Insist on this and you will have no fear whatever of lack of pupils.  You are in the pure realm of Mind every instant.  This is not the era of matter or of mental argument but this is the final era of pure realization.  Stay with this and find divine Love as embracing all in its tender care.  You are not outside of this all embracing divine Love.  Trust it and thank God that you know what you know of infinite Truth.  Our hearts need to be full of thankfulness all the time then as Mrs. Eddy so beautifully puts it, “When thought is lost in the eminence of Mind the healing takes place”.

Get into that eminence of Mind that allness, that completeness of Mind and stay there and you will find your heart rejoicing.

Every good wish.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181
September 14th.  Saturday.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

This will welcome you back to New York again after I know your splendid trip.  Mildred writes me you wrote her that sometime this Fall you and Mary are going to travel California ways.  That will be very nice.  If this part of California gets some rain before you come it should look lovely and green otherwise you can expect her normal brown after the Summer.

I see Javelin is preparing a very full 32 page booklet on the union of Javelin and NALCO and showing what a big proposition it really is with maps etc.  It evidently is their big effort to show their stockholders what they have accomplished, at least in getting together a vast territory of valuable minerals.  It will be most interesting I imagine and will be out, the report, said very soon so by the time you are back it will meet you probably.

There is nothing specially new from here except to tell you how nicely that lovely plant you sent me is doing.  It implies by its actions that it likes the atmosphere here alright.  A friend gave me a pot of African violets.  I have never tried raising any but now I have to so I know they will do very well.  Mrs. Blanche Palmer of 3802 Edinburgh St. Vancouver, Canada has been here several days, now on her way home and what do you think she told me about the Whartons, had just had a letter from him in Santa Cruz.  Yes, he is married and all she knew was his wife apparently died suddenly in America and then he went to England and then returned here, and married his second wife.  Mrs. Palmer said he was going to drive over from Santa Cruz and meet her train at Salinas and see her for a few minutes, on her way North.  Of all people I hadn’t the slightest idea they knew one another but evidently they did.  Mrs. Palmer I started out to tell you is a real metaphysician and thinks her way through.  If you and Mary should be in B.C. call her up and say how do from me.

Mrs. Collar of Clearwater, Florida was here.  If you go down that way she is another good thinker.  If you should know Mrs. Eleanor Wilson’s address, not her Washington one, but where she is now, you will probably receive a letter from a Miss Pearl Squire in Washington asking for it.  I told her you were one person I thought might know it.

This is enough for now.  Do not forget, to not leave animal magnetism thrown over the wall and forgotten but to handle it means to pull it out with the old Dragon and wrap them in divine Love and so they are swallowed up in reality.  This is the only way to do it.

My best to you both.


* * * * * * * * * *

405 Los Altos Apartment Hotel
4121 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles 5, California
TELEPHONE DUnkirk 7-1181
September 18th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

I got a letter from Mrs. Palmer of B.C. and she wrote me about her visit for fifteen minutes on the train steps with the Whartons who had gone over to Salinas to just meet here and have a little talk.  She knew I wanted to know the facts about Mrs. Wharton so stayed with that and her statement is that they never left Carmel for the East as they planned but went over to Pacific Grove where Mrs. Wharton became very sick and after six months passed on.  So she never went East at all.  However he did and as you know came back and married his present wife.  I must correct that statement.  Mrs. Wharton became sick in Carmel before they were to start and then went over to Pacific Grove and she died there six months later.  Thus endeth that chapter.  A dream shadow just a dark image of mortal thought that instantly flees before the one Consciousness that IS and is All that is and that you know Is or you could not consciously be.

I do not know whether you are home yet but soon will be I expect doubtless.  I just wanted to send you both my best and let you know about the Whartons Q.E.D.  H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *

September 18th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:–

You have been very thoughtful to call me up and Mildred too to tell us about the gyrations of Javelin and what they offer in way of investment.  There was a time when I would have reached out for opportunities like those, that have been offered, but that day is past I believe, for I feel God has given me all I need, then why try to have more especially as if I should say good bye, the government would step in and help itself bountifully and why should I give my thought to such a proposition.

Do not think by this that I do not appreciate very highly the value of the right sense of money, for I do, and I am glad to have whatever God gives me, but more than I can use can be a burden and when Javelin pays dividends on what it has already on hand in the way of contracts they will surely be enough to satisfy every demand.  I want heaven, not earth, but I do not despise all the good of earth, in anyway.  And I want one and all to have it to the full for it is all theirs, for what is God’s is man’s.

My deep prayer is how to understand divine Love more and make it so practical that it spontaneously heals all I come in contact with.  Mrs. Eddy tells us we must raise the dead and that is a worthy goal.  I do not mean by this bringing back the dead for they wouldn’t come back or I miss my guess, but raising the dead means too, dead in trespasses and sins and I must begin at home or it is no good.  We need Divine Science not too much of Christian Science.  Christian Science is only the bugle call to the true and higher realm of divine Science the “Eminence of Mind” where all argument etc. is swallowed up in realization of God’s absolute Allness.

I am expecting to return to Rolling Hills on Saturday morning.  You know I have been having some day dreams of taking a trip to England and going down to Glastonbury and spending a month or two quietly staying there and sort of getting the feel of that wondrous spot where Jesus gained such peace and poise, for eighteen years in preparation for his marvelous career.  I might if I want, not stay there at all.  One never knows what God will unfold, but I do know that only divine Love can take me on any trip and whatever that trip, it will prove a spiritual blessing, if even as the Psalmist sang “if it goes into hell only thou are there”.

Infinite good is before us one and all and it will unfold harmoniously in proportion to where we start from spiritual sense or material sense.

Well I have had a little chat with you, thank you.  My love to Mary and you too.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *
September 26th. 1957.

Dear Mrs. Shippy:-

Thank you for yours of the 23rd.  Where the dickens–excuse the English, did you get any ability to be unhappy?  Where is the source of any such thing.  Handle animal magnetism not unhappiness.  Base yourself on your one rock I consciously am, as such amness spontaneously Consciousness must first be, therefore you are the conscious identity of that infinite Consciousness that Is and is all that is because there is nothing outside of its infinity or it would be is not.

Stand on this and go back to it every time to assure yourself and reassure yourself of the only Source from which you derive your every thought divine Love for is not divine Love the All that can stand as Is.  Tell that dear husband of yours to hold fast to this eternal truth and never to handle things but only animal magnetism.

You can only have one cause and that one bars out every thought of sin, disease or death.  This you know stand right on it fearlessly.

My best to you all.

Herbert W. Eustace

* * * * * * * * * *
September 27th. 1957.

Dear Mrs. Gruman:-

Thank you for your letter of the 24th.  I am glad you enjoyed the pamphlets I sent you.  No they are not for sale.  I had my publishers in Berkeley run me off at the time I sent them out several thousand copies but did not leave any of them with them.  They of course have my books for sale, but the pamphlets I just kept to give away myself.  Please tell your friend Mrs. Habel what I have written you.  I will send her ten copies of each, that she can give away herself.

No, you were quite right the GOD (word unclear) OF DOMINION is not mine and I do not know the pamphlet or who wrote it.  Neither do I know who wrote BODY-EMBODIMENT OF IDEAS.  But you are quite right it may have paragraphs from my book I have found such things in books issued by others.  I pay no attention because if it is true what is said it has its own place and divine Love maintains it in that place.

If you should come out to California be sure and look me up as I should enjoy giving you some important points in regard to Mrs. Eddy’s very strong statements on the reason we are not healing cases.  She says “Because you do not understand how to handle animal magnetism.”  That is the one and only claim you ever have to because as S. & H. declares “Hypnotism or animal magnetism is the specific term for error or mortal mind.”  In other words Mrs. Eddy gives animal magnetism as the specific term for all evil then that is what has to be handled.  It is too big to write about but sometime you may be out here and we will thrash it all over.

Every good wish to you.

* * * * * * * * * *
September 29th.  1957.

Dear Mrs. Miller:-

This has been a long time answering your letter of last April 16th. But I have been travelling all over the place, New Zealand, New York etc. etc.  So please excuse my negligence.

Yes Hugh Kennedy went through class with me and his book C.S. and O. RELIGION has always seemed to me a very fair statement as he saw it of the Boston trial.  But my dear child do not make too much of any of these little discrepancies.  They are not worth it.  Only one thing is worth attention and that is your demonstration of your understanding of C. S. in healing quickly every case that presents to you.

Read that article in C.C.T. and I think you will never again think that Mrs. Eddy could ever plagiarize from anyone.  We may perhaps if we don’t know better but never Mrs. Eddy.

Come out to California sometime this winter and I shall enjoy thrashing anything you like over with you.  And also enjoy talking with you.  The one insistent need as Mrs. Eddy pointed out to handle animal magnetism as the one claim confronting you.  She does not say destroy animal magnetism but handle it.  There is a great difference.

Every good wish.

* * * * * * * * * *

October 6th, 1957.

Mr. Adrian J. —,
607 Architects Bldg.,
Los Angeles, California.

Dear Mr.—:–

I was very grieved to hear that my friend, Your brother, Lew has while I was away, said good bye for the moment to us.  I am never sorry for the one who has gone apparently for I know the experience has opened his eyes to a grander and more glorious sense of being than that one had here.  What he knew of Christian Science, as it were largely theoretically, became to him an actual reality and he would not return to this feeble sense of life under any circumstances.  But it is of course different with those left behind.  But it is grand to know how wonderfully he is blessed himself and whatever it was that held him to matter beliefs has been displaced with the Allness and everpresence of divine Love filling immensity.

I have just come down here and am at a very comfortable apartment at the Los Altos Hotel.  It will be far more comfortable for my work than my dear little place in Rolling Hills but which was a little out of the way and also a little small for my purpose.

Some time when you are out this way I should like very much to have a good chat with you any evening or during the day whichever suits you best.  My telephone is the Hotel number Dunkirk 7-1181.

With very good wish.


* * * * * * * * * *

(To The JEJs handwritten in the left corner)

October 20th, 1957.

You are both dear and I am so glad to hear from underground wires that you expect to be in California around the 7th. of November.  Time is surely flying but why shouldn’t it.  It has no purpose but to keep going on bringing its glorious sunshine and its lovely Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall with their wondrous changes of beauty and utility.

Los Angeles is very beautiful now.  I have I think, I told you before, a splendid (?)00 by 200 foot home office of the Tidewater Oil Company going up right on the corner of the next street West so that I am having a college course in construction from every outside window and I find very much in its construction to interest me.  It is only going to be six story above ground and three under but quite a fine building I am sure.

By the time you get here it will have taken form so that you can get its whole idea.  I have glasses so I can watch it quite closely.  Human belief is getting quite free in what it undertakes.  I notice whenever they want a tractor for any purpose on the top floor they just swing it up from the ground as though it had no weight.  And that of course as so-called thought gets in to space high enough nothing weighs nothing and to hold it anywhere it would have to be fastened down.

You sent me sometime ago a copy of your letter to Miss Squires and asked me to return it which I immediately put it in an envelope to you but I do not remember anything further about it.  You also sent me a lot of clippings etc. which you did not want returning.  I shouldn’t be concerned about Miss Squires I do not consider it a reliable point of view.  I see you recognize that also.

Well we will soon enjoy another chat.  Keep thought absolutely clear that you are in the realization era and have therefore just one thing to handle under every circumstance and that is animal magnetism and handling that means seeing divine Love as enfolding within its ample protection all there is to animal magnetism.  And that heals any claim of any kind or nature.

Have a lovely trip and my best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace

Mildred last trip brought me down a book that she said you sent me. 1830-60. If you did thank you very much.  It’s most interesting like your Johnston book.  Was this one to bring out about Majors?  It shows he was some transportation boy.  What an undertaking it was the settling of this vast country.  People have no idea of what it all meant.  It gave, too, splendid account of Brigham Young and his Mormon migration.  That was a big undertaking.  Under the guise of religion what cannot be done. H.W.E.

* * * * * * * * * *

October 22nd, 1957.

Mr. Thomas B.—,
2232 Northwest Everett Street,
Portland, Oregon.

Dear Mr. —:–

Your very interesting and appreciative letter of the 14th came in this morning and I have immediately sent your address etc. to my Publishers Lederer, Street and Zeus Co. of Berkeley Calif. To send you at once a copy of the one Volume and you send them your cheque for six dollars which is the price of the book.

I am inclosing you a couple of leaflets that I think you will enjoy.  Your experience of yourself and family in Christian Science is very interesting and if you are ever in Los Angeles I shall be very happy to meet you and have a good chat.  You are quite right these are wonderful days we are in and they will continue to become more wonderful.  We are in the realization era and are facing as it were the last days in other words our battle to-day is with the dragon not the beast or the false prophets but pure realization.  This is where Mrs. Eddy began.  You know her discovery was divine Science and she worked out Christian Science for us because there is no language for divine Science.  Her discovery was the absolute Allness of God infinite good and her gift to mankind she named Christian Science for she had to discover and make her own language for to God’s Allness there is no language it is pure realization.  That is where you are to-day and as Mrs. Eddy told us every claim to-day is animal magnetism.  It is never a thing, place or person and it is animal magnetism that has to be translated back to divine Love to heal the ills of mankind.

There is no reason for your withdrawing from either The Mother church or a branch church that I know of.  Do so if you wish but what is there to be gained by it nothing whatever that I can see.  Church and man are synonymous terms, the idea of God.  You cannot be less than man can you.  All those doings are really minor and need not concern you one bit.  Handle animal magnetism by finding divine Love as embracing all that you mean by animal magnetism then when lost in “the eminence of that” realization there is no evil to eliminate and well is and is all that is.  However whatever you do do not fall for the rottenness of mentally malpractising on the Church of Christ Scientist by accepting or repeating the lie that the Church of Christ Scientist could ever be less than crowded.  Watch Jesus said.

My every good wish to you.


* * * * * * * * * *
November 4th. 1957.

Mrs. Corinne Battagliola,

1129 Laurel Street,

Santa Cruz, California.

Dear Mrs. Battagliola:-

I was sorry to not hear you clearly on the phone when you called but as you say perhaps it was just as well for you wrote what you wanted to say.  I do not like the phone to talk over private affairs.  It is not the place to do it.  No, I was not listening through the wrong end of the ear piece; tell your operator I have been too long a telephone user for that.

As a metaphysician Mrs. Battagliola you know as Mrs. Eddy has so carefully and so often pointed out the only claim you ever have to meet is animal magnetism the specific term as she says for mortal mind.  She further has said several times that we fail to heal our cases because we do not understand how to handle animal magnetism.  Then surely what you first need to do is not to talk and think about nerves and such things but begin by seeing every claim from a scratch as it were on the finger to an earthquake as animal magnetism and only that.  How you could you be conscious of anything unless it first registered with you as a sense of consciousness.  Then can you handle a scratch as a sense of consciousness or a thing?  Decide these points yourself and then get busy and see it all as a claim of animal magnetism and then clothe animal magnetism in the garments of divine Love and be lost in the eminence of that Love filling all space and the scratch or earthquake will not be found.

You know this then do it and do not allow yourself for one moment to be led astray and handle things when All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation for divine Love is All-in-all and fills immensity.

Think this all over and write me if you wish or come down and we will have a good talk.

My best to you.


* * * * * * * * * *

Thursday, November 14th.  1957.

Dear Mr. —:  Thank you for your letter of the 4th.  No, I have not written any more leaflets since CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER.  I feel Mrs. Eddy has given us all the last word when she said “Call disease animal magnetism and then handle animal magnetism.

Ask yourself what did she mean by handle animal magnetism?  That is what you have to decide and then do it for animal magnetism is the one and only name to-day for error no matter what it may be called.

To handle animal magnetism means in plain language to realize that divine Love is all that there ever is to animal magnetism and you must so clothe animal magnetism in the garments of divine Love that it fills immensity and in the very presence all that you ever called evil vanishes for you have clothed in the Wedding Garments of perfection and there is nothing left to destroy and never was.


* * * * * * * * * *
Thursday November 14th, 1957.

Dear Mrs. —:–

I just got a letter from Mildred my niece telling me of the passing on of our dear friend, your husband.  You know Mrs. — whenever I hear of some friend passing on my first thought is always one of “Joy for thee happy friend, Thy bark is passed the dangerous sea, And safely moored at last beyond the rough foam”.  I never have a sense of sorrow for the one that has gone but my heart does go out in tenderest sympathy to those he has left and I know God the one Divine Love is tenderly caring for you in this hour of seeming aloneness.  Your husband my dear Child, is as really as near to you to-day as he was when you felt him by your side for hereafter is not off somewhere in the distant future but it is right at hand and with you here and now.

Try to realize this and feel how your husband has awakened to a much larger and grander sense of life than he ever could experience here and as a wonderful Writer once wrote “He awaits to welcome you where no arrow wounds the eagle soaring, where no partings are for love, where the high and holy call you to meet again”.

Nothing separates true love.  Every good wish to you.


* * * * * * * * * *

November 15th. 1957.

Dear Joseph E. J.:

Thank you for Beasley’s book which I have glanced through and find, he like all his tribe, under the aegis of ecclesiasticism, lie with the most utter contempt for truth as I see he did, for my eye caught his repetition of in substance for what you tried to correct your friend in his book, and wrote that excellent letter to the trustee on the whole subject of the printing of Mrs. Eddy’s books by the Pub. House.  If you have a spare copy of that letter it might help Beasley, but may be it is not worth the trouble, for when Ephraim is joined to his idols the best and only way is to leave him alone, and as Mrs. Eddy says, so strongly, “Never to take offence at a wound by anyone.  Always leave it to God who will avenge and heal.  He will reward rightly, you cannot.”  This is the wisdom of God we never lose by following it.

Things here are moving along steadily.  I am going ahead with the glass Solarium going out of our living room, but it is slow getting the papers, and you cannot move without this license and that.  I am keeping my room or apartment at the Los Altos Hotel for the time being and seeing people here, when I am here, and will continue to do so for a little while longer until perhaps we get the Solarium finished.  It will be a room about 27 feet by fifteen feet and should make a lovely place for Mrs. Munro to enjoy with all kinds of plants to brighten it for she is so fond of plants.  We are planning to heat it by electricity because the gas in the house seems to play havoc with the plants all over the house so we decided better not risk anymore with gas.  The Solarium or glass room as I call it will give us a splendid view at night of San Pedro and its pretty lights and the ocean beyond.

I am looking forward to receiving those various articles or whatever they are on Canadian Javelin.  Its development is quite interesting and its future is quite amazing or fantastic as Todd calls it.  I am interested to see just how quickly the financial mind, so-called, takes to catch on to what a wonderful store house of minerals Labrador has for its use, only awaiting their vigorous development.  I think one of the most amazing things of the Labrador unfoldment was the putting in of that two hundred and fifty millions of money into building a mere 350 odd miles of railroad to carry out the ore and putting in all that money to enable Canadian Javelin to put in a paltry twenty millions more to build their connecting line and give Can Jav. the full privilege of their immense outlay.

That is not often the case and apparently according to that Post story it is magnificently built as it should be to last to haul out all the useful ore etc. Labrador has stored up for mankind’s use.  It is quite interesting and I hope next summer to see it eye to eye.  If it turns out that way I will D.V.

My best to you both.

Herbert W. Eustace.

* * * * * * * * * *

Tuesday evening November the 19th. 1957

Dear Catherine:-

I was so glad to get your note to-day for after seeing you in Los Angeles just after we had arrived I thought you were going to let me have your address but not receiving it until to-day I have not been able to write you but now I will send you a little line.

Whatever experience you are having my dear child remember it can only be of good for God is All-in-all and that debars all except good from ever even appearing to you.  Watch your thought on this because it is evil alone that would tempt you to think that there is some power operating as your Mind that could bring you an experience that was not helpful and of divine Love.  God is All, insist on this in season and out of season.   Let nothing else abide with you as mind but this one divine Love filling all space and leaving no room for ought but itself.

Only God infinite good governs one single one of your steps so do not allow mesmerism to warp your thought in the least by the suggestion that some person has had something to do with your affairs.  Only good has governed them one and all.  Much love Catherine.


* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *

20 December 1957

Dear Friend of the “C. C. T.”:
In accord with Mrs. Eddy’s letter to Mr. Eustace in December 1905 (My. 197, Sentinel Vol. 8, pages 265-266), Mr. Eustace finished his work and gave us his goodbye the evening of the 9th of December, leaving his one Volume, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, “ITS CLEAR, CORRECT TEACHING” And Complete Writings, as his now permanent meeting and communing place with his friends.

Mr. Eustace has provided for a Trusteeship of seven Trustees, for the ownership, further publication, and continuing distribution, of his “C. C. T.” one Volume; and the additional pamphlets available until eventually they are included in the one Volume.  Letters and orders addressed to the Printer, Lederer, Street and Zeus, will receive proper disposition.

In her “practice” handbook to SCIENCE AND HEALTH, Miscellany, Mrs. Eddy titles its Chapter III, Personality (116-120).  Its two articles of but five pages both came in the last years of her Founding.  The second one is to a Clergyman who deeply desired to see her.  Near the close of her reply to him, Mrs. Eddy says:  “We look for the sainted Revelator in his writings, and there we find him.  Those who look for me in person, or elsewhere than in my writings, lose me instead of find me.  I hope and trust that you and I may meet in truth and know each other there, and know as we are known of God.”  (My. 120)

A recent statement by Mr. Eustace on the practice of Christian Science seems almost an epitomy of what he has been pouring out on his steady stream of callers in the three months since he made himself fully available in his Los Altos Apartment; and is most timely and fitting to accompany this announcement of his personal goodbye, thus leaving his one Volume free and unfettered for its impersonal work and destiny in support of the “Clear, Correct Teaching” of SCIENCE AND HEALTH.  This statement is enclosed with this letter.

We know Mr. Eustace would want us to say for him at this Season, the deep joy of Christmas and Happy New Year to you, in the wholly spiritual bond of the “clear, correct teaching of Christian Science”.  (My. 297)

Mildred E. Beans.

Joseph E. Johnston.

~~~~ Page 2 ~~~~

20 December 1957

A recent statement on the practice of Christian Science by Herbert Willoughby Eustace, C. S. B.:

“I am so glad to know you are finding C.C.T. exactly what it of course truly is, the school room book of SCIENCE AND HEALTH and as such as is the schoolroom book of anything, brings home to its student what the text-book being considered is bringing out at every line, the absolute allness of divine Love.

“As the Christian Scientist you stand alone with the one Divine Consciousness that is, and is All that is and you find yourself the conscious activity of this Consciousness that Is and as such conscious identity expressing all that divine Love is.  Then all that you ever know comes only from this one divine Mind filling all space and operating as the Source from whence you receive every impartation each moment.  Realize this, then divine Love will be your only thought and spontaneously you will find yourself expressing this divine Love.  The False Prophet brings out strongly that as Mrs. Eddy drives home the fact, animal magnetism is the one and only claim of evil and to understand how to handle animal magnetism is the way to heal all error.

“Now what does she mean by this?  Isn’t it that animal magnetism must be seen as the negation of divine Love and as such in order to be understood properly it must not be attempted to destroy it, only be so as it were wrapping it up in the All of divine Love, that you are lost in the eminence as Mrs. Eddy says of “Divine Mind” where in such eminence the raiments of righteousness are seen as the only covering of one and all whether called devil or evil of any kind.  As the Psalmist said “If I go into hell behold Thou art there.”  Your God is All-in-all and that is alone what handles animal magnetism transforming it not destroying anything.

“As you do this you will not be bothered with wanting so-called Class instruction for this one divine Love that fills immensity takes care of all that needs caring for.

“Do not try to destroy anything.  In your all of God divine Love how can there be anything to destroy, then translate it back to God and so as the Psalmist, find that if he made his bed in hell behold God is there.  In fact there is no place where God is not.  You have proved this over and over and over again and now you go one step higher and prove that divine Love must embrace in its filling of all space all that is meant by or rather should be meant by animal magnetism.  Remember you are in the Universe of perfection and all that you ever know is what comes directly to you from the one infinite Consciousness that you in being the consciously am are the conscious identity of.  Make this your very own until you truly feel lost in the eminence of divine Love and whatever is contrary to Love will vanish like a dream.

“I have not held any classes since 1941 and what is the need, when we have all of Mrs. Eddy’s writings and also the school-room book of SCIENCE AND HEALTH, C.C.T. Clear, Correct Teaching.  Use these and you will ask for no more.”

Herbert W. Eustace


The whole of THE FALSE PROPHET in the C.C.T. may be said to be the epitomy in highest statement of Mr. and Mrs. Eustace’s work of the half-century and more in behalf of the “Clear, Correct Teaching”.

Mildred E. Beans.

Joseph E. Johnston.

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