Herbert W. Eustace Letters 1950 - 1953
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1950 Letters
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California, April 12, 1950
Dear . . . .
You understand that every slightest departure from the perfection of harmonious action to the minutest detail is as Mrs. Eddy expresses it animal magnetism or hypnotism and this covers the whole field. Hypnotism is making Christian Scientists handle everything under the sun except hypnotic suggestion which of course says to them that is not the reason of your discord, it is this material thing or that etc. Be not deceived God is running His universe which is your universe perfectly all the time and there is not a discordant note anywhere. There could not be. Then it is only hypnotism that says otherwise
Whatever you are called upon to do or your husband, God supplies the ways and means of doing it for after all it is His affair and you are simply showing Him forth in what you do. Then rely upon this fact and do not think this has to be adjusted or that. It does not. Hypnotic suggestion alone has to be handled. I am enclosing for you an article or “STORY” on this subject that shows the utter powerlessness of hypnotic suggestion when handled as such by knowing the facts of any situation. If a PSYCHOLOGIST could with his limited sense succeed as well as he did what cannot the Christian Scientist do with his understanding of the allness of God
Get right down to handling only hypnotism, and only that, and you will see the light clearly.
Herbert W. Eustace
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Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone Cypress 2-1745
June 19th. 1950.
Dear Mrs. W:
Thank you for your letter of the 15th. All the straightening out you need is to know as the activity of God you need no straightening out whatever but rather do you need to realize it is just pure hypnotic suggestion that needs taking back to its origin divine Mind and there left.
I sent you and Mr. W. a copy of the PSYCHOLOGIST AND THE MAGICIAN some weeks ago and I do not think you have acknowledged receiving nor did you say one word in this letter about it.
Suppose you dig that STORY up and think it out and you would not have to write me or anyone. You would see at once what you have to handle and that your whole “terror” is the “cobras” over again. Get busy and do not make hard work of being what you are, the activity of God. Use the talents you have and be awake and remember you are in eternity right now.
Best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
P.S. Did you send the inclosed five dollars in your letter, if you did here it is bouncing back as you do not owe anything. H.W. E.
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Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone Cypress 2-1745
July 11th. 1950.
Dear Mrs. W:
Thank you for your letter of the 28th. You are both very generous of your appreciation and of course I shall be glad to have another chat with you whenever you are down this way, but do not look to any person except the one divine Person Who is with you every instant guiding and directing your every step. You are now in the kingdom of heaven.
You have a correct sense of the STORY and its purpose so far as my sending out is concerned. I am sending you two more copies as you requested and I know you will put them to good active purpose. The STORY carries quite a message just as the parables Jesus gave carry a tremendous lesson to him who reads “with an instructed heart”.
Always remember there is no hypnotic mind to hypnotize anyone for God, divine Love is the one and only Mind. It is this realization alone that wins every time.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
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November 29th. 1950.
Dear – – – –
Thank you for your letter of the 27th.
Every answer to every question you may ever have is present always with the question and if you want to grow look right at home and never outside and you will find the answer just as quickly as you are ready for it. Nothing is more fatal to progress than basing that progress on some person or other except the one divine Person God.
You know this, I do not have to tell you this but it is preliminary to my telling you not to look to me for treatment or interviews. No Scientist needs that. He needs direct turning to God and standing there. You are a clear thinking family. Trust that true thinking.
How can you talk to an examiner or anything else about something you say you do not know anything about and that Scientifically you have never admitted. Whether a soldier or a metaphysician he will last only a mighty short time unless he is both. How can you separate either?
If you wish to talk with a Scientist and do not want to talk with Mrs.— you can go to Mrs. —. She has always seemed to me to be quite clear.
Talk to God. Our best wishes,
Herbert W. Eustace.
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Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone Cypress 2-1745
December 15th, 1950.
Dear Johnston:–
Thank you for yours of the 12th with its inclosures of letters from your friends in England and your replies, all of which are sensible and to the point.
So-called mortals move forward as they get good and ready and only then, unless divine Love gives such a walloping they move a little faster. They are going to hold to their own sense of pleasure in matter regardless of what Revelation shows is the height of folly and most detrimental to one’s growth, whether that appears as continuing to have children, which is nothing but murder, and which is purely the gratification of the lust of the flesh or any other would be sense satisfaction, recording ages or keeping Christmas or etc. etc. In the end as Mrs. Eddy puts it so well we will all turn “like tired children to the arms of everlasting Love”, satisfied there is no pleasure in sense and the only end of it is destruction of real joy and completeness.
That was a ringing talk by Dewey last night. It will encourage the President to square his shoulders and face the people with something that means giving up the pleasures of sense for something far more precious the joys of real freedom which America stands for. There seems only one way to teach mortals and that is to take their pocket book pretty nearly away and then they feel they are in for something. Taxes must finance what is to be done and not borrowing. The people do not care one atom how much borrowing is done provided it doesn’t make them pay out their earnings right to-day. This whole thing should be done by taxes and I feel Dewey hit the nail on the head for I have felt for a long time that people were not awake apparently at all.
I do not feel that there is to be a third war, but one way to avoid it is to be thoroughly awake to what is needed to avoid it, unselfishness and the willingness to sacrifice one’s own comfort. When this is done there is little need for a war, for the pressure of Truth has accomplished what it demanded without.
To me 1953 carries great significance, the end Wall of the King’s Chamber. Only one way to proceed from there and that is UP. In other words I feel 1953 can usher in a state of mind where Russia, meaning Communism, has accomplished its, God’s, ends by forcing willingness to give up one’s life rather than be its slave has arrived in full. Then Russia can lie down with the rest of the world or rather stand up with them and work together for the good of all. It is utter bosh to think we have to have another war like the others. The date of 1970 will truly be an age of progress where we can look back on the present passing years, so-called, as childhood, and can see the great growth made.
Our united best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
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Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone Cypress 2-1745
December 23rd, 1950.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnston:-
Thank you both so much for the African flowers which arrived yesterday and which were placed in tepid water at once and will receive the exact treatment the growers say they should have and we shall look forward to the same pretty unfoldment that happened last year when you sent them.
It is exceedingly kind and generous of you to send them to us and such a quantity. We will tell you how they unfold as the weeks go by for they say they will last six weeks. That is a long time for any flower especially one that has traveled the miles these have.
But now my dear friends I want to remind, at least the masculine element of this generous combination, that as Christian Scientists both he and us, leaving Mary to express her love in her own way delightful as it is always, but we are under a different sense a little for many many years ago we adopted gladly and understandingly Mrs. Eddy’s wise request to stop making Christmas a gift season except for the youngsters as in the same way and with the same consecrated earnestness we refused to longer recognize birthdays. We all did this not because Mrs. Eddy requested us to do so but because we saw that Christmas had lost largely its divine meaning and had become in many cases a wearisome buying and sending of presents and many times when it was truly a burden to so many not only in effort but in actual money.
Bess and I have always continued to hold fast to this wise procedure and only give any little gifts to children and leave the older ones to turn to the Giver of all good for the blessings of the Season so full of love and good will. Now I know you two will join us in continuing to hold fast to this wise course and instead turn our thought to what of God, in the way of healing and lifting mankind to a truer level of thought has, the past twelve months, as it is called, really brought forth to us? As S. and H. says “the good we do and embody gives us the only power obtainable”. Christian Science shows us that that good embodied actually appears as sickness sin and death vanishing. That is the true Christ offering I think we all admit. Words without deeds are a delusion and a snare and as S. and H. says again “Truth talked not lived rolls on the human heart a stone”. We all need Christmas as a Christ mass every hour of the day then our world conditions so-called will brighten into blessings untold.
Thank you Johnston for your letters of the 16th. and 14th. and for your various inclosures all which I am returning to you. They have been interesting reading.
We have to wait a little to see what the world affairs are unfolding to. Good speech of Dewey’s also Hoover’s although the two in some respects quite opposites almost. Hoover forgot that agreements entered into, no matter what the other side may determine, are binding until properly cancelled. The Atlantic Pact must be lived up to until formally disapproved and cancelled. I believe that it will never need to have anything done about it in the way of fighting in Europe for I think that before 1953 there maybe such a holding together of the Allies that their mission of so holding is accomplished and what Russia was for, under God’s direction, has been accomplished and all nations will quietly agree to work it out together without wars or even rumors of wars. I do not know, but this would not surprise me one bit. We are in wonderful times. We shall see many marvelous changes in the next few years. By this I do not mean that 1953 will accomplish this but when we look back some years hence we maybe able to see that some wonderful events took place about that time and all upward movements.
Bess joins me in every good wish to you both and again thank you for the budding flowers that have travelled so far to give pleasure.
Herbert W. Eustace
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Los Angeles, California
November 8th, 1951
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnston:
My beloved Bess seemed to slip away from me yesterday morning in her sleep without a struggle of any kind. Just quietly entered that “Intensely grand and glorious life’s sphere, – beyond the shadow, infinite appear Life, Love divine, – where mortal yearnings come not, sighs are stilled, and home and peace and hearts are found and filled, Thine, ever Thine.” I know how true this is and my heart is rejoicing in spite of hypnotic self pity, in the joy I know is set before her and that she is experiencing right this instant, in “the broader grander view.”
There is no action but of divine Love then we know this is only for our learning and growth and spiritual progress.
I am going to close with these lines of Mrs. Eddy lying right before me, “God is the only Life, Spirit is the only substance, Love is the cause, harmony is the only law. Now is the only time.” Perfection is and we all know it.
Very best to you both,
Herbert W. Eustace
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December 29th. 1951.
Dear Johnston:-
Thank you for your last letter of the 23rd. and 25th. and the inclosures of the T.V scores between the different cities and the Gloxinia page and Mary’s question what did we do with our Gloxinias and the countless other beautiful flowers Love had showered us with for so many years. Well Mary, we what is called, gave them away, if one can ever give that which is of God away and since being down here we have this proved to us so much, in the fact that we have had our apartment full of flowers and as Bess and I often said you cannot get away from what is consciousness to you.
Yes we seemed to give everything away. Bess gave all the household things, furniture etc. etc. all away as I have told you before, books etc. to the College library and pictures and vases and pianos etc to the Museum at the College. It was a wonderful spree of giving away and keeping nothing of that kind and how wisely it turned out, for I want nothing and Bess had the great pleasure of giving just where she wanted to, to everybody. She was always tremendously generous anyway and this was a happy finale. The plants and soils and all the paraphernalia that goes with a green house and lath house and a garden was given all around. Friends came to haul the very fine mixed soils I had and write how well their plants have done. It was all a happy finish to a wonderful home and only presages a more glorious one hereafter, where as Mrs. Eddy puts it we will “not have to handle material sense”. We will have to handle however the dragon in its higher phases, but we will be amply prepared to do so until we translate it all back to divinity and “then O then its home at last”, as Mrs. Eddy says also meaning we see as we are seen.
Now my dear boy one word about candy. That was delicious you sent but I am no candy fellow so please do not send any more and too do not think you have to drum up business for anyone. Mind does the drumming up you will find more safely than you can so be wise. Generosity is sweet but it is not always wise. Thanks a thousand times just the same.
You were a dear fellow to spend so much of your Christmas Day writing such a long letter to me and full of most interesting data with your letter of the 23rd.
Re. Dixon and his articles. I do not think his world articles as Editor would probably find a great reader audience now, as great changes have taken place and true as his articles are covering affairs but to-day such things have to be right up to the minute. “Yesterday has gone and left no bitterness” and neither has it, after a certain period of time, left much interest and that is as it should be for it is to-day that God lives in eternal laws and so to-day belongs to Him. Then we had better live to-day. Those articles of Dixon’s on straight Science of course are ageless and he had a way of writing that was his own peculiar gift of God. He was unique and filled a wondrous nitch. As Mrs. Eddy said of Mr. Kimball, so you could say of both the Dixons “Marvellous in every respect” no-she used the word glorious in every respect.
For quite a long time and more specially lately have I been impressed with Mrs. Eddy’s statement about treatment and I feel every Christian Scientist should be awake to its deep importance because all glory, honour and power must be more and more given to God or our work will not come up to the perfection standard. It is this, and commit it to memory if you are wise:
“Stand alone, never allow anyone to help you: as sure as you do you cripple yourself; you weaken your power.
“Remember what it means in Jeremiah 17:5 ‘Thus saith the Lord: curseth be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.’
“The arm of strength is God and nowhere else. Trust then in God and when you have all you can bear and even more than think you can bear, go and say, Watch with me one hour, and then once more take your stand.”
What a responsibility she here puts the Scientist up with. And yet I know it is absolutely correct and the only way to progress. Fight it out alone with God and you will win even if you do not see it all at once or even all here and have to wait for your reward in well doing. But it is the right away, anything else cripples you and weakens your power until you have none. So watch this carefully and turn people to God that is at least the Christian Scientist and only watch with him “one hour” in an extremity. Less than this is not Christian Science. Think it out and prove it for yourself in your own self. God is and must be found as All-in-all nothing less.
My love to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
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1952 Letters
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Los Angeles, California
January 9th, 1952
Dear. . . . .
Your very interesting letter of Nov. 9th should have been answered before this but I have been very fully occupied for my beloved wife said good bye to me for the moment, slipping away quietly in her sleep, but leaving such a glorious smile that gave the lie to any hypnotic illusion that anything but divine Love had one thing to do with the unfoldment. And as Christian Scientists we know of course there is no power but divine Love the one Mind that is absolutely All-in-all and guides, governs and directs every minutest movement of His own idea.
You can only have one All and that All shares not its Allness with anything, so good is and is All that is, and man is eternally the shower forth of that perfection. I know and we both know that our journeying on together is never interrupted for one instant and her wondrous smile said that so plainly to me and we are both free and happy.
You will find on page 171 of S. and H. this statement that should be written on the heart of every Scientist, “Through discernment of the spiritual opposite of materiality, even the way through Christ, Truth, man will reopen with the key of divine Science the gates of Paradise which human beliefs have closed, and will find himself unfallen, upright, pure and free, not needing to consult almanacs for the probabilities of his life or of the weather, not needing to study brainology to learn how much of a man he is.”
In this is declared the whole of the negation “the spiritual opposite of materiality”. Mrs. Eddy says it all there. And then go on to see that the “spiritual opposite” is the divine reality when seen for what it truly is, God with us just as truly as what appears as divinely good. You know this. Hold fast. Your letter shows how clear you are. Then follow through and destroy the lie by translation that there is malicious mind apart from God and call evil by its real name and eventually you run your course with joy and victory. You are doing this and nothing can change the course of that mind that is set on God as All-in-all.
Mrs. Eddy declares “Nothing happens out of order. Everything happens in the right order of development for you.” This means you. Then accept this truth deep down in your heart and feel that everything is really happening for your best development. Then you will be at peace, and especially will you be at peace if you make another of Mrs. Eddy’s statements your own and that is “The mental act of thanksgiving carries one far beyond the realms of doubt into that atmosphere of Truth and faith where all things are possible. Go not back to asking but continue to give thanks that you have received.”
You are doing just what God wants you to be doing. Rejoice at this and thank God for His loving care and direction. “Even though the waves are dark and tumultuous in this heavenward course as we are reaching the sweet haven home, they will grow calm, and Then oh then, it is home at last and there is no night there and no more sea.” Sea, you know means tempest tossed human concepts advancing and receding, as S. &H. states; There are no more; divine Love is All.
Rest in these sure promises for they are each one wholly metaphysical and are of the Rock on which you build.
Every good wish for this year and every year to you both and I know you can only do what God would have you do for you are looking to Him and Him alone for guidance as the one and only Mind and therefore your Mind.
Thank you for your letter.
Herbert W. Eustace
P.S. Under no circumstances allow yourself to become absorbed in straightening out anything. God does not permit that. He is a jealous God and stands for no interference. He says to you heal the sick and so graduate “under divine honors.” H.W.E.
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Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone Cypress 2-1745
The Gaylord Hotel February 26th, 1952
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Thank you very much for your Mary Baker Eddy IN NEW LIGHT by Fernand E. d’Humy which came in yesterday and which I have read most carefully through.
It really is a remarkable book if as the cover says he is not a Christian Scientist. I will say this for him he is a pretty good imitation of a first class one in his clear understanding of what was Mrs. Eddy’s purpose and his sweet sense of her life and all the occurrences in it. I have never read anyone except Miss Wilbur who had a sweeter writing sense of Mrs. Eddy and everything he touched, her marriages and Church affiliations etc etc so nicely, not a slurring suggestion of any kind or any attempt to smear her. For an outsider this was wonderful and showed a deep insight into her life and work and love. There is only one really serious blunder in the book and that is on page 157 last paragraph where he says, “Even greater responsibility is carried by the Christian Science Board of Directors, in whose custody Mary Baker Eddy placed the affairs of the whole Christian Science movement.” Bosh, where do the estoppel clauses come in then? Looks as though someone got hold of him. He says she did exactly what she had most carefully refused to do. Each church was wholly independent and under no one.
Apart from this break the book is worth any body’s reading for it is so sympathetically written. Thank you for sending it to me. I may decide to send a few to friends. I will think it over for a day or two first, sleep on as it were. Sleeping on things is good practice, before acting. Do you know anything of the author other than what is given? The publishers seem a high class concern which is good.
I don’t believe I have ever thanked you for your letter of last day of the year. It was very good and I thank you for it. Your resolutions I think very wise if you expect to accomplish your expectation. Yes, cut out letters and the press and you make quite a start.
Did you tell me once long ago that you had that little book called Watches, Prayers Arguments by Mrs. Eddy gotten out by Carpenter Jr. I believe. The prayers in it are wonderfully enlightening and certainly came from none other than Mrs. Eddy. The Watches are very personal. The arguments are many excellent. They have just gotten out a further printing I guess for Mrs. Johnson sent me a copy and Oakes who is now in Africa has a revised Collectanea which he has greatly improved. Have you seen that?
P– was out here a week or so ago but has gone back to New York on his way home. You probably saw him. Mildred has been down several times for a night or rather two and B– and C– were up the other day. They have for several months been in Washington. B– was over in Spain on some business and C– stayed in Washington near Bu– while he was in Spain. They are now back on Coronado and mighty glad to be there I fancy. They were up here for a couple of nights. California looks pretty good to them both. And Science looks best of all.
Two of those fine prayers are “Divine Love give me higher, holier, purer desires, more self abnegation, more love and more spiritual aspirations.” The other “Father teach me how to still the clamoring of sense and fill my place as listener that I may hear Thy voice and grow to understand Thy word and so become Thy messenger. Then teach me how to banish pride and stubborn will that I may be Thy representative – with no false sense of human zeal, that every word may bless and heal when I Thy message give.” Another, “Beloved Father-Mother God, give me wisdom to meet the problems I may have to meet to-day; give me understanding to deny error and to proclaim the truth. Give me grace to keep silent when speech is unnecessary.” There are many others just as fine. One more for fully measure “Overcoming age is not resuming our youth; it is thought going into new paths that history has never recorded.”
What you said about Bess and me and the new Year was so good and true. Yes, indeed we are going on together and learning the deep lesson divine Love could only teach us by just such an unfoldment. God does not use evil to teach anyone for He knows not evil but His divine pressure sometimes seems to be interpreted as Chastisement when it really is Love. Nothing can stop forward steps and I know we are taking these steps together only Bess has an enormously higher outlook for the moment but “individual good derived from God the infinite All-in-all can flow from the departed to mortals” so the higher the outlook the greater the flowing. It is so and must be so. I am so deeply grateful that it all is as it is for she truly deserved the grandeur of her present outlook, she has earned it every bit and was through with this so-called mundane phase of belief which is but the lie of joy that lies beyond, but which is also really here and now if we will separate ourselves from corporeality “see out of the flesh”.
My best to you both and many thanks.
Herbert W. Eustace.
P.S. Under separate cover I am mailing you a few original drawings that Dixon felt were good that were sent in to him for the Monitor. Personally I do not think much of them but thought you might like them. If you do not, give them away or do with them as you please. Dixon wanted me to have them. Now you and Mary have them. They’re just in the rough of course. H.W.E.
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March 18th. 1952.
Dear Johnston:-
First of all thank you for your letter of the 7th. and also thank you both very much for the Pecans which are the real article.
Next I have decided not to send for any of d’Humy’s books for I think they will get enough circulation through the Church efforts which you will find will be exerted in its behalf very strongly I fancy. So I am inclosing my cheque for the three and 75/100 for the book you so kindly sent me. I had intended sending you a new one of those I ordered to take the place of yours but paying for it directly is much easier and thank you very much. I shall still be most interested to hear of any interview you may plan with him. To know his background would be useful.
I am glad you saw P–. He called I think four or five times while he was in Los Angeles and I got him in touch with one ex-actress with a wide circulation of friends. I think she was useful. She is a clear thinker. I did not gather very much as to what his visit to the U.S. was except to try to introduce children’s films. He seems to have been successful in England.
About C– altering K–‘s book. I wouldn’t be surprised. He would feel himself justified in doing anything I think he wished to do. If I remember correctly I got the impression from K– that he was quite close to H– who gave him a lot of data but I feel the whole thing was a money making scheme as most books are with professional writers. That W.P.A. of Carpenter Jr. could like all those books, be a dangerous thing in the hands of most C. S.’s, as they certainly could not help without a clear metaphysical understanding, misinterpret many of the statements and especially the advice about treating. I think every name used in that regard in the books should be eliminated at once for it is a rotten malpractice on their memory right or wrong. Personality has no place in C.S. Mrs. Eddy knew exactly what she meant and conveyed to her hearer what she wanted done but the written word handed down does not convey that as Mrs. Eddy meant it and as Christian Science teaches.
The PRAYERS are wonderful and were evidently typed by Frye and so are perfect. Many of the letters of course are the same way indeed much of the book to a Scientist like you is and can be a wonderful help if you will not accept one single thing unless it actually sizes up with what you know the statement would have to be in order to be real Science. Nothing evil would enjoy more thoroughly, if it even knew enough to enjoy the worst deviltry or anything for it knows nothing, would be to put before the earnest Scientist a statement purporting to be by Mrs. Eddy, with just a slight twist in its metaphysics that would give the fatal slant from Mind to matter.
I cannot conceive of what a flood of such stuff will swamp the world in the course of the next hundred years unless the Scientists are really on their toes and know what is Science regardless of its so-called authority. “Prove all things hold fast that which is true” also “Try the spirits”.
What is needed is straight thinking and no wandering backwards one day. That is all humbug-I notice your tendency in this respect. Avoid it. You are of no importance anymore than the rest of us and our past history is buncombe. Then why record such nonsense and think that you know something, is worse than feeble mindedness. The past recollections too carry so much of error. I noticed one little item in your letter of no moment but it just shows how foolish human memory is. The lady who called my attention to the lifting from the Line of Light was Mrs. C– a number of years ago when she was making for herself a copy of Collectanea loaned to her by an Aunt in Salt Lake and she recognized instantly where it came from and wrote me and I took it up with C–, etc. Do not go back. Keep today as Mrs. Eddy points out to deal with tomorrow is stealing and to deal with yesterday useless for it has gone. You may be right on to-day but that is all.
Mrs. Eddy never “bewailed” anything. You know that, then be careful how you attribute emotions where they are not. She thanked God as you do for everything.
That is most interesting about that “OUTSIDE”. Progress is the law of the infinite.
My best to you both and again many thanks for the pecans.
Herbert W. Eustace.
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March 20th. 1952.
Dear Johnston:-
Thank you for Mary’s notices. She surely is a busy girl and I know is doing a fine job for that is the way she is built.
Also thank you for your letter and the copies of letters you have been writing in such profusion to your man in England. Where have your good resolutions of not writing and not indulging in clippings and reading so much in the papers gone to? Wherever they are call them back promptly if you want any success. You cannot do that sort of thing then cut it out. Think of writing such reams to attempt to enlighten a man weighed in his own conceit. Do not try to be the instructor of the world. You have a job stick to it or abandon it and leave other people’s enlightenment to God. Think of ten single line pages on a subject he thinks he knows more about than you ever dreamed. You goose, drop your conceit and you will not be deceived.
My best to you both. Do not answer this. You cannot be trusted.
Herbert W. Eustace
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May 31st. 1952.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnston:-
Your beautiful roses and those dear tuberous begonias in their lovely little bowl have just been handed to me and I do not know just what to say to you except thank you very much and for the little note too, all of them carrying so much genuine love, the very smiles of our loving God. Flowers indeed are God’s hieroglyphs as a most beautiful symbol of loveliness, purity and perfection.
I expect to have an interesting time with the darling little begonias because I have never raised them in a bowl but there is no reason why they should not be raised or in anything. They grow because of Mind not because of matter. I have lately gotten two beautiful Phyllodendrons and with the ferns I have, the rooms look fresh and green and now with your lovely roses it looks like a green house. People when they come in this apartment are amazed at the colouring of the flowers and plants. I always used to tell Bess that there never would be a time when we did not have abundance of flowers and all beautiful things because we love them and it has truly been our joy since leaving 1600 to have had just that abundance all the time. Our God is indeed very good to us and if I can see it what must my Darling be seeing?
It is most encouraging to talk with Scientists to-day and see how clearly they are fashioning for themselves the true sense of what Mrs. Eddy calls “the infallibility of divine metaphysics”. We are in marvelous times and that is why it seems so strenuous and unruly. It is the “kicking over the traces”. There are no limitations and that is being seen and sometimes the liberty is “running into license”.
I know all is going finely with both you dear Mary and Joseph and like your namesakes of old you find it wise perhaps often to go into Egypt to get your breath and let your young child grown.
Much love and again many thanks.
Herbert W. Eustace.
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July 24th. 1952.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnston:-
A number of things have been quietly developing out here with me in the last few months and perhaps the most interesting is the fact that I am about, the first of the year, going to bring out a one volume edition of all my books. It will require about a thousand pages which sounds very formidable but, it only from the dummy I have, will weigh about eighteen ounces and will be on Thintext paper and makes a very comfortable book to hold and read and open beautifully, far better than the thicker paper did. And what suits me best of all it will be able to be sold at six dollars, whereas all the books now cost 10.75 so that what Bess and I have always planned on doing, steadily reducing the price of the books, is actually coming about at the time of the highest costs and yet will almost reduce the cost one half. That is very satisfactory.
Another interesting step being taken is that of flying to England in November and returning in December. I shall be over there about a couple of weeks just long enough to see my sisters and have some little visits with some of the earnest Scientists interested in C.C.T. and WHOSO over there.
I shall virtually go right through New York in going over but in returning I shall stop over a few days and am looking forward to seeing you both for a good chat. When I bought my transportation I was strongly advised on account of the tremendous travel to book entirely through and back and this I did and I shall have to get back promptly, because the Publishers will be looking for me to close up the ranks in the books. Adding what I want to etc. and winding it up. The purpose is to get it out in the first quarter of 1953.
Well I think that is enough new news for to-day. The political battle seems to be waging strongly and it will for God will turn and overturn until He comes Whose right it is. My very best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
The Gaylord Hotel
Los Angeles, California.
Sep. 7th. 1952.
Dear Johnston:-
Thank you for yours of the 5th. and the Canon Sparks statement inclosed on the R.C. [Roman Catholic] early attempted seizure of the Protestant world of that time by perverting the real meaning of what Jesus said. He speaks plainly and what he says is true. The same thing as you say was attempted with the C.S. unfoldment but the written word of Mrs. Eddy holds the fort until the Scientists recover their equilibrium.
Yes, it is quite possible I may hold a meeting of those who have been through class with me and any others who are genuinely earnest in Clear Correct Teaching and Whoso Readeth. I have thought about it and have thought of asking Mrs. Nelson to head a Committee of three to get the whole thing up with Mrs. Loftus and Mrs. Helen Wright assisting her. Joseph Johnston has his job to do and is not to be mixed up in anything else. If I finally decide to do this I shall have to have a small meeting too, here in Los Angeles and one also in Berkeley or San Francisco.
In each place I have felt I would take care of the Hall expense and the Committee in each place would do all the rest. I cannot well hold it in one place without holding it in convenient other places. They are on to the fact now that the London meeting is to be held and see no reason why others should not be. That is true under the circumstances and I think without doubt I shall hold say a two hour meeting from two to four Sunday afternoon in New York possibly if Mrs. Nelson and her Committee can arrange it December the 7th. I have already written her about it to see what she thinks.
When I go through New York on Tuesday November the 18th. I should like very much to drop in for a few minutes to chat with Marchette and also with Mrs. Nelson about the meeting, the balance of the time it will be very nice to have a nice talk with you if there is anytime between planes which according to the time table there should be from 10.55 A.M. arrival and departure 5 P.M. We will pick up a bite of lunch at Childs or somewhere so tell Mary she is not to think a thing about any eating as I shall not accept invitations to eat anywhere this time or anytime. I have pursued that course right along here and Bess and I more or less always pursued it like we always stay at a hotel and not with family or friends when staying in a place. It works perfectly and saves lots of nonsense.
Time seems to be getting very short now. I have much to attend to. I think I told you I am having six thousand of those Psychologist Story run off by L.S. and Z. one to be placed in each of the one volume edition just as a reminder of what Christian Science is here to do, destroy hypnotism.
The Edition will be a five thousand edition, one thousand of the five for Library placement. Then I told L.S. and Z. to have a one thousand supply that they could place a nominal price of ten cents a copy, for handling charges to any that wanted to buy five or more copies. Not to bother to supply anything less than five. I thought they should have some on hand as people are bound to write in to know if they can buy copies and answering their letters is an expense which I didn’t wish L.S. and Z. put to without a nominal charge to take care of it. Ten cents a copy will hardly do that but it will help.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
The Gaylord Hotel
Los Angeles 5, Calif.
October 12th. 1952.
Dear Johnston:-
Thank you for your letter of the 6th. I will sort of go through it verbatim as you ask a number of questions.
As I have already told you I appreciate very much your meeting my plane and taking me into N.Y. and then after a bite of lunch taking me to call on the Chutes and picking me up at three o’clock.
My plane #90 arrives they now tell me at 9:40 A.M. Nov. 18th. But they may change their minds again so that you are not kept waiting phone T.W.A. a day or two before and then it will probably stay fixed. The London plane goes out at 5 P.M. and is also they phoned me the other day #90 so I go on #90 all the way through to London but they are different planes I am sure because the London plane is a sleeper and from here to New York it is just called THE AMBASSADOR.
Very interesting about Mrs. B. and her husband. I am glad you will see Mrs. H. and Mrs. M. on your trip with Mary* and by the way what a splendid go she is making of her work. A great girl and a fine helpmeet. Follow carefully what she points out. It is good genuine thinking. It would be nice to see Mrs. H. and Mrs. M. at the meeting but that is not so important, for God brings to each one just as he is ready, everything that can in the least benefit him, so everyone gets all all the time.
Thanks very much for straightening me out on ADAM WHERE ART THOU. I just sent you that Vision, I did not realize I had underlined some parts in red. No I have not done that with any I have distributed that I know of, not intentionally anyway. I inclose the latest run off with my original statement I used to put on them all. I think the statement is very essential for the reader to truly grasp the depth of what Mrs. Eddy is giving. That Vision is most valuable. I inclose you a copy of the new STORY I have had printed in Berkeley. It is not going to be put in as any part of the One Volume edition but just slipped in as a little helpful gift to the purchaser of that book.
I am returning your clipping about Judge Medina, which I think is more than interesting and bears witness to the great need of Christian Scientists abandoning the bone of “There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter” for the eternal fact that “All infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation for God is All-in-all.” No safety except in Science.
Your analysis of Beasley’s book is surely to the point and I feel exactly correct. That is what any book of that origin would have to be for the product cannot be different to its origin.
Will see you soon. My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* Mary is Joseph Johnston’s wife who was an Editor of McCall’s magazine and gave talks across the U.S. and England, as well as being on television shows. She also wrote a book entitled “How To Clean House” which was on the “Best Seller List” of her day.
* * * * * * * * * *
October 29th. 1952.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Would you find out for me if the despatch that you sent me, a clipping, and which I returned to you, about Judge Medina, was absolutely correct. For to me it is a most significant and important item that has been in the papers for a long time. That is to the Christian Scientist who sees in such statements the real signs of the times. Before using it too much, however I would like to know definitely if what was there said or given as being said by Judge Medina was actually what he said. Can you find this out for me?
The time is getting very near now when I shall wend my way skyward to London and enjoy seeing you for a little while on the way. I have decided on account of what Ben, my Navy nephew, told me the other day I shall stay at the Barclay Hotel which I understand is just opposite the Waldorf, and which he does not like, when I return to New York December 1st. When I am with you on the 18th. of November going over I would like to go to the Barclay and engage my room there, so as to have that out of the way, or if you are passing the place anytime and can conveniently do so, step in and engage a single room, with bath of course, for me for December the first until December 12th. when I will fly on to California where I shall hold another meeting on December 14th. and then the last one in Berkeley January 18th. at 5682 Keith Avenue. These are just special meetings and in no way mean at all that I am going to begin holding regular or even occasional conferences as we always called our meetings, for it certainly does not and I haven’t the slightest intention of doing so. That sort of thing ceased when I gave up classes and for the same reason, because I saw no further use in them. This time I do see a very great use and that is why I am holding them and including all those who are truly and deeply interested in C.C.T. and WHOSO.
I will see you fairly soon. My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
November 6th. 1952.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Just a line. Thanks for inclosures which I am returning. Very interesting.
Yes, there is a change in arrivals etc, but you have the right times. I get into New York T.W.A. #90 Flight Nov. 18th. at 10:30 A.M. and leave at 6 P.M. the same day on T.W.A. 960.
Do not go into any details of hypnotism with those suffering in belief a fear of it. Rely upon what you know and keep away from the “saying”. The average mind is not capable of grasping what it is all about and straight Christian Science is the only thing that understands what it is, as the negative of divine activity, and you cannot explain that until they become C Scientists. Do not try, you may only confuse and frighten, so keep away from the subject. Remember it is all a myth anyway and no truth to anything but God.
That was a lovely trip you and Mary had through New England and your Boston experience was for your enlightenment, but what went you out for to see a reed shaken by the wind? That is what you got and curiosity is always rebuked in the Christian Scientist, so have your hands and heart always clean.
Fine for Mrs. Hachten and Mrs. Merrow. I shall be glad to see them.
Thanks for your booking my room at the Barclay that is now out of the way.
I shall be pleased to see Mrs. Ogden and do not forget Mrs. Watts and her daughter Elise if she would like to attend she will be very welcome.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
November 10th. 1952.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Thank you for yours just in with its two inclosures which I am returning to you in your air-mail envelope you inclosed. Also thanks for the clippings.
The ecclesiastical write up of course is just that and no more. The N.Y. Times one is about right. The book as I in my casual glance through it see it, is of no value whatever and is merely a rehash of the same old story that ecclesiasticism always has to do for it has nothing else.
In one sense of the word Mrs. Eddy only enters into Christian Science as the divine revelator not the divine revelation at all. There could be only one so-called person attached in God’s unfoldment of Himself to so-called mortal man because the unfoldment takes, just the two inevitable phases, the personal and the impersonal, therefore the personal was finished with Jesus and the impersonal with S. and H. That ends it and why S. and H. says “Truth is revealed. It needs only to be practised”. Person getting in would ruin Christian Science.
I doubt very much Mr. Kimball ever saying such a thing or of course Mrs. Eddy, but if some such conversation took place your analysis of it is the right one. But what people say is so finite so far as human belief is concerned and really means mighty little in the final day of judgment which is every moment.
What Mrs. Eddy actually wrote are priceless pearls but what somebody reports her as saying is purely apocryphal and is subject to all that apocryphal means, mighty doubtful, and probably of mighty little value unless in absolute agreement with what understanding each one has.
Will see you soon. My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
Sunday, Nov 23/52
Dear Joseph Johnston
Every thing went off exactly right at the meeting of yesterday.
This is not to tell you that but to say I do not want you to meet me at the air-port so please do not. I will take the bus in to the Waldorf and walk across the street to the Barclay. Now let that be understood. This weather threw us out via the Azores and may do the same sort of thing on return six hours later. So cut it all out and will see you later but not for any meals. Tell Mary please, and you, too.
My best to you both
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
December 12th. 1952.
Dear Johnston:-
Just a line to tell you that your lovely flowers you and Mary sent me on arrival in New York went right through with me and were as beautiful when I left them as when they came. That is quite wonderful. Thank you both so much for them. It was mighty nice seeing you both and the other dear friends in New York and such an interest in the meeting which I know brought the right satisfaction from God to one and all. Divine Love always brings to each one just what that one really needs.
Thank you too for sending me Lee’s book. It is indeed excellent and Marchette Chute felt the same way about it. He has done a good simple job well and a job he was cut out to do as you are cut out to do your job. Get down to business and do it just as simply as Lee has done his and I know you will.
Remember the rock whence you are hewn and remember that dear lass Mary and how she has trusted you with her confidence, and especially how God has. Be the man you are and be true to that confidence as you cannot help being but watch the only enemy, the hidden enemy.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
P.S. If you should pass the Barclay you might just ask at the desk for me if they found a Parker Pen on the writing desk the morning of the 10th. Thank you. HWE.
* * * * * * * * * *
December 15th. 1952.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Just a line to say I had a nice chat with your sister this morning. She is looking fine and as clear as a bell on the facts of being as she has always been. She is mighty appreciative of your enabling her to be present yesterday with your brother at the meeting. I also had a few words with your brother this morning. He brought your sister over and was taking her directly to her train.
He said he enjoyed the meeting. I am sure all did because God gives to each one every moment all that one can entertain. Dear June made a brave effort to be at the meeting but the doors were evidently closed when she arrived because she left a note at my hotel which I got afterwards saying just that. I shall write her and ask her to stop in sometime and we will have a good talk. She apparently lives in Riverside which is quite a drive from here about one hundred miles. But now it has started we will meet all right and I shall be very glad to see her, and your brother again if he wishes that. But you keep your finger out “of the pie” and let God attend to His own business.
My best to you and Mary.
Herbert W. Eustace
P. S. You were a dear chap while I was in New York and I deeply appreciate all you did and did too towards the great success of the N. Y. Meeting. The meetings have all been very satisfactory and I know God was back of it all and that He alone dictated their being held. But thank you just the same and Mary too. She is a great little power. H.W.E.
* * * * * * * * * *
Los Angeles, California
December 16, 1952
Dear ———-
Thank you very much for your letter and the list. How interesting what you say about those who attended and those who did not. You handled it well and every one was there that belonged there and no one by your work could be there that should not have been. That is what makes a fine meeting and your New York one was just that. You were taking too much responsibility on yourself is the reason that you perhaps shut the door on receiving much that divine Love had for you. The same words convey much or little according to one’s receptivity to receive and any anxiety is a barrier to receiving and the success or failure was not on your shoulders child, but on God’s. As Mrs. Eddy says “God is responsible for the mission of those he anoints. Those that trust Him take His hand and out of the night He leads to light and none can say to Him what doest Thou?” Having done your work knowing Whose meeting it was, then hands off and just like a child take what your Father has for you and rejoice. “The battle is not yours but the Lord’s.”
You all did finely and I appreciate so much your splendid unselfish work as I know all did who received the blessing of it.
We had a fine meeting here on Sunday afternoon too and I know the same will be the case in Berkeley on the 18th of Jan. and that will close when I get them all summarized for inclusion in the one volume edition. Its mission I feel God gave me to present practically the Ascension and bring home the fact that we are no longer in the Christian Era but are in the Christian Science era. No longer dealing in anyway with matter but now today entirely with Mind and therefore confronted with pure malicious mind as the one enemy. In taking that back to our Father’s presence and having Him swallow it all up in the infinity of His Mind all maliciousness vanishes and every bit of evil of every kind and nature, and you step forth from His presence like Jesus “crowned with an everlasting victory.”
As Mrs. Eddy says, “What joy is ours as Christian Scientists. Infinite Love all our own. Tireless Love watching our waiting, guiding our footsteps, turning them hither and thither as Wisdom directs. Then when the lesson is learned supplying the need and ending the warfare.”
I do not know just what quotation you referred to unless it was the one Mrs. Eddy used where she said, “I hope the Boston cloud did not reach you. God reigns. His face is so sweet in the cloud His love so near. I always go up in the cloud and when it has passed His dear Love shows me the Why and Wherefore, about this marvelous to even me that God always takes the one we love most in the flesh to wherewith rebuke our pride and to chasten our lives in the flesh, till we are above the flesh and all human designs and safe in the place of His abiding.”
If this isn’t the one you wanted let me know and I will send you anyone I have. Her statements are all so perfect. They are like deep breaths from Heaven.
Again thanking you for all your earnest work and for the list and stay right in the Ascension and do not mentally touch matter and you are safe in His abiding.
My best to you all,
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
1953 Letters
* * * * * * * * * *
Jan. 2nd. 1953.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Thank you for your letters and for that fine little pen. But I don’t know what I am going to do about you. I ask for a simple little request to stop in sometime and find out if by any chance they had a fountain pen turned in from my room, and here you go and immediately send me one. Not mine at all but a brand new one. I can only say thank you but no more will I ask you anything of that kind. You are a dear generous fellow but I do not like your giving me any present whatever except to be a down right earnest Scientist which I know you are.
I have been very busy getting the summary of these meetings ready for printing in the one volume Edition which will come out sometime around the first of June as I have put it forward a month to give me more time to finish things up after the Berkeley Mtg.
You asked when that meeting is to be. It is Jan 18th. from 2 to 4, Sunday afternoon at the Rockridge Women’s Club 5682 Keith Avenue, Oakland.
Am glad Mrs. Ogden got something from the New York meeting. It was there for her to get if she really wanted it.
God must always have something new for each one of us or He would not have the meeting.
His one word to-day is to each one you live and move and have your being in the Ascension era and not in the Christian Era. Then stand there and work only from the Mind standpoint. The “bone” there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter has gone and gone forever. Let it go.
My best to you and Mary and again thank you for the pen.
Every good thing of the New Year.
Herbert W. Eustace
Mrs. Nelson just called up from the depot to say hello. She is on her return trip from Oakland with her sister. They were happy and well. H.W.E.
* * * * * * * * * *
January 16th. 1953.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Somewhere I have seen a statement about the examining physician of Mrs. Eddy’s body after she had said good bye to the effect that it was a beautifully preserved body. Do you know anything about the exact facts in the matter. So much one hears or even reads is such twaddle that I would like very much to have the facts, if you have any record, I do not seem to have any statement about it only I would like to know the facts because I would like to say something to this effect in the summary I shall draw up of the meetings I have held and put in the one volume collection.
It would be something like this after mentioning what Calvin Frye promised her to tell her followers about what she said produced the results beheld, by ignorance fear and superstition.
She made me promise “I would tell her students that it was malicious animal magnetism that was overcoming her and not a natural result from the beliefs incident to old age and its claims of limitation”. Then I thought I would add, In other words that it was malicious mind operating as malicious mental malpractitioners or ‘a combination of sinners’ that was causing the result, and it is on record I understand that materia medica bore witness to this fact by testifying to the wonderful preservation of her body.
Is this the fact I should like to know because I do not know where I got my information from except my own innate knowing of what would have to be.
Thanks very much. Am off tomorrow night for Berkeley from the 18th. and then back here on the Monday night.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Gaylord Hotel
Los Angeles 5, California
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Thank you very much for your several letters, the last answering mine so perfectly about the findings of the so-called doctors and Mrs. Eddy. I am only saying a word but I wanted to be perfectly assured of my facts because what is in this volume will be historical and finally accepted as the absolute truth in regard to all that it speaks of. Hence the need to be correct even in the least.
You ask me a question as to just what I think this “combination of sinners” really meant. I do not think about it at all. I know what it meant. It meant exactly what I have brought out in these meetings and what will be in the summarized account in the new book. Mrs. Eddy was saying to you and me are you so dense and dumb that you cannot see what I am illustrating to you, this that I am showing and apparently giving my life for is malicious mind operating as malicious mental malpractice and appearing as malicious mental malpractitioners (a combination of sinners) working for my destruction or appearance of dying. It hasn’t one thing to do with disease or age or anything of the body but is purely hypnotic suggestion, just exactly as the psychologist’s cobras and tigers.
Both Mrs. Eddy and Jesus gave in belief their lives for the same purpose, one to bear witness to the fact that there is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter, in fact that there is no matter, and the other to show in belief what malicious mind claimed Science. Mrs. Eddy took that upon herself to show the awful claim of hypnotic suggestion in belief, and that unless the Christian Scientists awoke to what was operating he was, as Mrs. Eddy said “a dead man without power”. This was the whole purpose of her experience and her written statement as to it. Love for you and me to make us wise unto salvation. Mrs. Eddy of course not being the Revelation of Christian Science but the Revelator was not responsible for the Revelation which neither went nor had to return. She was only using herself as an illustrator to convince us as to what we were up against, in the realm of belief.
You are a mighty dear chap about the pen and I appreciate your kindness tremendously. You are a generous fellow.
You ask about the meeting in Berkeley. I am much more interested in what the summarization of the four meetings will bring forth than any one of them. I turn that in to the publishers on Monday week the 2nd. Then I shall feel I have completed the job God gave me to do.
Every good to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
March 6th. 1953
Dear Johnston:-
I was looking over unanswered letters last night and I am not sure whether I thanked you for all the proposed corrections in the books which you so kindly sent me, and which I think everyone has been carefully attended to. I thank you for your care in calling my attention to them and while of course they had been noted before your double attention to, insured their being looked at again. Perfection is the only aim of the Christian Scientist naturally for Principle is exact.
All is going forward with the book and it will be out doubtless by the time the first advertisement goes in the N. Y. Times Sunday Book Review April 26th. There will be 22000 words on the summary of the meetings and about 8000 additional words never before in book form like A Letter of March 22 etc. I think the summary reads quite satisfactorily and covers the various points brought out if not in one meeting then in another.
I am thinking of sending one of the inclosed preprints of the advertisement in the NY Times to each of the families that attended the meetings just to answer the question that keeps arising. Are we going to have a report of the meetings? Yes but only in the one volume edition. I am through with publishing books. This one volume concludes I feel sure all that God wants me to do in that line. It is not words but realization that is the important thing. As some writer said probably Solomon “Of the writing of books there is no end.” I am through. The Ascension is as high as we can go.
You ask about TITLE. It is as on this Preprint.
My best to you both,
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Gaylord, Los Angeles, 5, Cal.
April 2nd. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J:–
Your air-mail special delivery arrived a little while ago and I am so glad you punched a good big hole in in the lie that you, the man of God being swayed for even an instant by malicious argument which you know is always God’s divine utterance “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”
There is nothing that can upset that son of God for it is ever listening to its Father’s voice and only about His business.
I am returning your earnest letter to your friend and it could do only one thing for him, bless him as was God’s purpose in having you write it.
That is very nice of you to meet our English trio. They will appreciate your doing so. I do not know what their plans may be or just when they expect to land in California but I guess they are wisely working everything out with God knowing that He can best direct them.
Mildred my niece is just now on a flying trip to Mexico City but expects to stop the night at this hotel on April the 8th on your return trip home. A week later she might have run into Mrs. Porter and friends but they will doubtless see one another later on.
Mrs. W. is not on my doorstep as you surmised she might be and will not be there at all for the only doorstep she cares anything about is God’s and that doorstep she is not waiting on, for she has a ready entrance with the door wide open always for her and everyone seeking Him. You put that very correctly in your “our shoes are off to enter, and then the heavenly Father-Mother fully takes care of malicious mind” and it vanishes swallowed up in divine Love.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
Herbert Willoughby Eustace
1600 The Alameda, San Jose, California
Telephone CYpress 2-1745
April 17th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:–
Thanks for yours of the 15th. I hope you have before this received your letters to Rowell and Orcutt which I sent straight mail and not air-mail hence my second letter reaching you first. I feel your letter to Orcutt himself covered the ground perfectly and was far better for him than the Rowell letter would have been and it certainly showed up the enormity of his lie. So let it rest there. You did a good kindly job of it all.
Your twenty four years of issuing occasional books on Clear, correct teaching is perfectly right, and I feel the incident so far as I am concerned, is now closed. I feel I have done what God gave me to do and this Ascension period is now fully brought to light as I believe Mrs. Eddy would have wanted it brought out. Her final gift to the world of her supreme offering for the one purpose of illustrating to us what it all was, is now understood even though it has lain buried all these forty years.
She spent a full forty years striving to wean us away from the “bone” of life, truth, intelligence and substance in matter and then gave us another forty years to awaken to what it all meant. But we are awake now and know it.
You were a very dear chap Johnston to meet those English friends and get them on their way so generously with all data etc. I got a note today the first line I have heard for quite sometime, saying what a good time they were having and how perfectly everything was going along. They expect to be here the 27th or 28th. By that time the books will have begun to arrive I fancy, for one man wrote me from Alameda yesterday that he had received his book but I expect he went down to the Office and begged for one and they let him have it, or may be they are ready to now hand them out. I haven’t heard a word about the books since Mr. Kolasa sent me the first one bound, and I am delighted with it. They have done an awfully good job of the whole thing, paper, printing cover everything. It is a wonderful credit to them. I shall be most interested to hear what Mary and you say about the get up of it. It handles splendidly and opens beautifully.
Isn’t that fine about Mary’s campaigns. She knows what she knows and she knows she knows it and the world admires that always. You do too my dear boy. You know what you know and all you need to know is to know that your reader knows what he knows too, and does not require too many words to remind him of what he knows.
That was like you to get hold of the Times young lady and learn she is interested in C. Science. About Cheops! Just what 1953 implies I haven’t the slightest idea of, except that there seems no escape from the end wall except upwards which is typical of how all things are tending. The pyramid has finished its job when the end wall is reached. Then too it is realization, what it all means.
I am returning copy of your letter to me April 6/53. Thanks for it.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Gaylord, Los Angeles, 5,
California. 5/6/53.
Dear Joseph Johnston:–
Thank you for yours of the 18th. You surely are an observant chap to notice that putting Y.P. and D. before the L. of L. in the advertisement, and to also notice the addition to the old pamphlet, now the Beast of Revelation. Yes I felt that needed bringing up to date. Although I have been tremendously pleased to see how the books are really all one and handle the final Ascension Era marvelously well, not knowing what the unfoldment in the book would be.
It all simply shows how infinite Love the one Mind keeps things straight in spite of anything and everything. We are all just His mouthpieces saying what He directs us to say. You must realize this in the work He has given you to do. Let nothing deceive you.
I appreciate very much your generous commendations of the book, the binding etc. I do feel Kolasa and his assistants did a splendid job of the whole thing. You certainly have observed everything and I am immensely pleased at your satisfaction of it as a whole. I desired very much that it should be a fitting tribute to the glory of the clear correct teaching of Christian Science in its fullness, as given so painstakingly by our dear Mrs. Eddy and closing so wondrously in her final gift of showing unmistakingly what was the only problem before the Scientist to-day.
It is satisfactory that you see all this so clearly. You must preserve God’s great gift to you, of clear metaphysical thinking, with a very tender care and cherish it closely to your heart and never defile its purity with materiality of any kind. Malicious mind would if it knew enough to do so, but it does not, tear you limb from limb and scatter your rare ability to the four winds. Pray divine Love to give you grace to be meek and humble enough to do its mission as Love would have it done with no reproach of any kind. I know you will prove this for infinite good watches over you.
Remember always there is only one thing to handle malicious animal magnetism, which means the very negation of the height to which Christian Science has carried you. That is all. Then the remedy is ever with you and hypnotism cannot fool you one instant.
You are a very dear chap to always link me with my darling Bess in everything that is accomplished. How true that is and how often my heart chants that statement to divine Love, and to my Bess as reflecting God, in the words of Mrs. Eddy, “Oh keep me ever seeing Thee, and seeing as Thou seest, My Life, my joy my All”.
The English friends are here of course and I have had one good chat with Oakes and tomorrow I shall see Mrs. Porter and Miss Pine. They move from Mrs. Johnson’s on Monday to Mrs. Boyd’s where they will I suppose doubtless be until they move North on their way back via Salt Lake and a few days possibly in San Jose in Mildred’s apartment. I shall hope to see more of them before they leave here. They are earnest Scientists and solid thinkers. They know what they know and know they know it. That is the only rock on which to build and on that rock you build to heaven, right here and now.
Again thank you and my best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
May 25TH, 1953.
Dear Joseph Johnston:
I have never written you I believe about that excellent statement you sent me that Mrs. Eddy made about teaching and opening it all to all as it were who felt called upon to teach. It is very good and as you say verifies what has been brought out so much in C.C.T. and the False-prophet etc. I am turning it over to Mrs. Boyd as you requested for her to see and make a copy of it if she wished to do so. Thank you for your second copy which you did not need to have bothered to have had made for the first I could make out very well.
I have just mailed you and Mary a copy of the Complete Writings. This is the first lot of books since they sent me the first bound volume as the first one off the press. Mr. Kolasa attended to that himself and got it to me special delivery on Good Friday morning. Very nice of him to do so, but since I have not received a single copy or you would both have received one from me sooner. I have inclosed with it that dear little three verses that my darling Girl wrote for the Sentinel in December 1902. It is good for us all to lay up to heart that we really have All as all the time. No one is denied one thing that is best for him to have. It goes with a great deal of love from us both to you both.
My best to you,
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
May 30th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. Johnston:-
Thank you for yours of June 20th. and your Post-card.
Your outline seems all fine but as you know I am not passing any comments until I see how you write it out and how it reads. That is the important fact. It is just as important in what you are writing, as you have so well stressed it with regard to my One Volume rather than stressing the individual component parts, as it were, of that One Volume.
I see so clearly how it is the One Volume, the complete story from Eve to the final translation of the “false prophet” back to Mind through the process of the fiery pit of brimstone to burn forever and ever absolute purification which is the culmination of all that the Bible means and is.
This is as I see it exactly what Mrs. Eddy was referring to in My. 346 beginning Line 27 and defining her so-called successor “man in the image and likeness of the Father-Mother God, man the generic term for mankind.” That is exactly what CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING is, that very man, and you are quite right in stressing the one Volume as that complete man of God, no person to it, any more than to SCIENCE AND HEALTH. That which could be of the slightest aid or support to SCIENCE AND HEALTH the impersonal Revelation of God to man would have to partake of the nature of the Revelation itself, namely it would have to be wholly impersonal and so appear as a book and not a person at all.
It took the entire book as the One Volume to be this complete man this clear correct teaching of Christian Science and thus fulfil Mrs. Eddy’s prophecy, “I calculate that about one half century will bring to the front the man God has equipped to lift aloft His Standard of Christian Science.”
See how wonderfully this has been fulfilled. It was May 16th. 1901 as given in MY. 346 that she gave to the Ass. Press the statement of who this “man” would be and here in April 1953 appears this one volume Clear Correct Teaching complete, declaring this man as the one and only man and as you and all mankind. Wasn’t this “about half a century? That gives both WHOSO READETH and CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING as perfectly fulfilling God’s determination. My best to you.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
June 9th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E.J.:-
Well you were a dear chap to write me that most interesting long letter all about largely the one Volume. Your letter was mailed New York 10.30 P.M. the 5th. and it was sent up to my room at 11.50 the night of the sixth. So you see what a quick trip it made. I immediately got busy and read it for I knew you felt it was pretty important or you would not have sent it Air-mail and special delivery too. While it took me a long time to decipher it, it was well worth it for you surely have put in an immense amount of time figuring out all the points you make.
Of course I am very pleased how well the book, as is and its coming out at this time, satisfies you. I agree necessarily with you on the points you make largely, as far as I understand. I do thoroughly agree that the full book coming out this year 1953 may in years to come be recognized as being a most important spiritual fact, in the much that will appear in 1953, for it of course covers the whole story of m.m.m. as operating as of this time. In fact to me it is doubtless God’s last needed word on the subject of m.m.m. Words are through. It is now realization and demonstration.
Every Scientist has to understand that it is deeds not words that count and you bring that out well, as what Mrs. Eddy used the San Jose Church for to impress upon us all.
Your numerals you surely juggled around in a most fanciful way. I do not agree with you perhaps always, but that may be only my ignorance that does that, for God certainly uses numbers, as well else, to express Himself and they therefore must and do mean infinite intelligence. The way you connect Mrs. Eddy with every date etc. is amazing and it works out with her of course and so must of course with every idea of God from the infinitesimal to infinity, for there is but one and that includes all ones as it were.
I checked up on your dates with regard to my experiences and you are quite correct except in your third paragraph from the end where you use the statement “Your turning to Christian Science now is three score and ten slightly plus.” Is it not only three score? I evidently began in Christian Science in 1893, it might possibly have been 1892 because I joined the Mother Church, as it is called, the end of that year and it is more than likely I had been interested although possibly not over a year before joining. It was all so real to me from the first that joining. I might have joined right away but anyway 1893 is a good point to start from. It was April 6th. to the 19th. 1903 when I held my first class and I held my last class in Los Angeles in November 1941. I held classes 38 years and held 222 of them. From the first class in April 1903 to the date Kolasa sent me the first bound volume of the Complete Writings which he sent special delivery reached me Good Friday of this year April 3rd. 1953 which as you say certainly completes a cycle, fifty years.
I like very much your interpretation of the small print in the one Volume. You are exactly right and Bess would tell you that I told her in putting Answers to Questions in CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING that it was a good thing to do for those answers could not be accepted without great, to just your word “digestion” and if they wanted to tackle them they would be blessed accordingly. Which is what you virtually see with all the small print. You are right we value what we go after and get for ourselves. It is all there and we dig it out.
Yes, your Founding Facts indeed have their place and God has prepared that place and when ready it will be seen in all its completeness.
A letter I received the other day spoke about Mrs. Eddy’s statement in what she termed, “on coming questions” I will say I calculate about one half century more will bring to the front the man that God has equipped to lift aloft His standard of Christian Science.”
Richard Oakes in answer to someone asking him if he knew the date of that statement said he had guesses but that what it plainly meant was the understanding of the clear correct teaching of Christian Science bringing out the man of God. He was quite right on this it was not any a man but man in His own likeness. The publishing of CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING was 1934. Do you have any idea about when it was Mrs. Eddy made that statement. It seems dimly to me that I remember it in the Sentinel or Journal. I would not swear to it at all but I just seem to remotely remember her answering some such question. Anyway I must stop. Again thank you and I am glad you and Mary liked the little poem. It is a gem and next printing some years hence may be I intend to have it placed just below the Preface to the One Volume.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
July 2nd. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. Johnston:-
Thank you for your letter of June 30th.
First of all Bess joined the Boston Church under the name of Lida Bessie Moore and then when we married they changed the name to Mrs. Bessie Moore Eustace. I thought I told you, not that I joined the Boston Church in 1892 but that I became interested in Christian Science probably in 1892. I did think however that I joined the Boston Church the end of 1893 because I remember well, I went into the membership at the dedication but I thought that the dedication was the beginning of 1894. Another thing that made me feel that way, was because the funds for building the Church and the actual building was done largely in the face of a world depression, for the Chicago World’s fair was held during that tough time because I remember people coming over from Australia who reached San Francisco to learn they must return as the banks there were all failing and they could draw no more money, and you will note too how Mrs. Eddy speaks in her Dedicatory Address of the perplexed conditions of our Nation’s finances etc. All of which held me to the error of thinking the Church was dedicated in 1894 whereas it evidently was 1895 and 1894 must have been the strenuous year instead of 1893. Yet surely the Chicago World’s fair was in 1893 and banks and things were busting all over the world. However that is neither here nor there. I got off somewhere evidently in my own mind. I joined the Church in 1895 and not 1894 apparently and that is enough.
I haven’t got any of my old papers now, I gave you all the old Manuals etc. and probably burned up any other old stuff so my files are blank on dates etc and of course in one sense of the word they have no value whatever. You will have whatever dates you need for God will supply you with all that is necessary and they will be exact.
I am very glad to have it thoroughly settled now in my own mind, that the one volume CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING does coincide with Mrs. Eddy’s “Calculation” of half a century “about”. She gives a slight lee-way in that statement “about”. But notice how clearly she saw something coming by her expressions “in a degree” and “what remains”. Both those terms leave the implication of something to follow. Then, too, it was of course Mrs. Eddy herself that gave the name “Clear, correct teaching”. Which is so fitting as is also her use of the word “equipped” which means fully capable or able to accomplish and surely that is exactly what the one volume edition is. People tell me, and I know it is true, that that book answers every human question that can be raised about Christian Science and what might be called its modus operandi.
The Revelation of DIVINE Science is of course absolutely complete in Science and Health and there is and can be nothing to follow that, but in what might be called the interpretation of DIVINE SCIENCE, to, should we call the human concept, it appears as Christian Science or the Revelator and that is all Mrs. Eddy was or could have been referring to in her terms “in a degree” “what remains” and “equipped”. Terms which could only refer to a more or less finite sense. These can have dates etc. in belief but that which is DIVINE SCIENCE has no dates. It is without beginning or end, it is I CONSCIOUSLY AM, BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM, AND I AM BECAUSE THOU ART.
I cannot be of any help to you on dates for as I say my records are all gone and I am confident your dates will be correct, so go ahead with what you have established and you will not be wrong. Elizabeth Moore has nothing to do with Bess or her family. I do not know who that name belongs to. Keep out all personality except Mrs. Eddy, just as much as you possibly can, for it has no place in DIVINE SCIENCE.
I know God the one infinite intelligence is guiding you in your work. Look implicitly to Him for your every step and he never fails His own idea.
My love to you both. Glad Mary gets an occasional breathing spell to enjoy your farm.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
July 6th. 1953.
Dear J. E. J:-
Thanks for yours of the 2nd. Please do not bother to “put your finger” on that prophecy of Mrs. Eddy’s, because I am sure she answered that in her statement in “My. 346:7 on 5/16/01 and that statement is the one that fits the one Volume perfectly, in fact so closely with her lee-way of “about” that nothing more is needed. In one sense of the word it is wholly immaterial for we know God arranges all things at just the right moment for the greatest good to the greatest number. That should surely satisfy.
Yes, that statement you call my attention to of Mrs. Eddy’s about Jesus, what he saw was the value of his hanging on the cross, so-called, is of course exactly the same reason that Mrs. Eddy virtually hung on her bed to show us what the negation of the Ascension Era claimed to do and would do if not stopped individually.
My best to you. Now do not bother to write Carpenter or anyone about those prophesies. We know all we want to know and you and I are both satisfied.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Saturday, July 11th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
Thank you for your P.C.
Yes the Libraries are now getting well under way. I am having Mrs. N– of Sacramento handle the whole thing as she did it in 1942, when the last books were placed in the Libraries; that is, CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING and WHOSO READETH. Then there were placed these two books in about five hundred libraries, all of them of places over five thousand inhabitants.
This time there are going to be placed one thousand copies. She writes each Librarian first to ask if the book will be acceptable before mailing it. They then write back and if it is acceptable, then it is mailed to the Librarian to be placed in the shelves, properly indexed etc. If there is ever a refusal then Mrs. Noble takes the matter up with the Board of Trustees or the Mayor and before, nearly always succeeded in getting the books properly placed.
The letters were sent out some little time ago and the replies are coming in and as they come the books are mailed from the Publishing House in Berkeley. Mrs. Noble sends the labels to Berkeley for each Library, as the replies come in and Berkeley mails them.
No, your sister was in too big a hurry. I did not start Mrs. Noble on the Libraries until every thing was running smoothly and the publishing house could take care of the mailing without interfering with their regular work. In due time each Library will have one of the books in every town over five thousand, also Canada and the largest cities in Australia and New Zealand. I have donated one thousand copies of CLEAR CORRECT TEACHING to this work and am defraying the costs myself as I wished to do it. Thank you Johnston just the same. You can render great service in this work by occasionally stopping at a library and its branches in New York and showing an interest in its (the book’s) circulation etc. and incidentally finding out if they need more books or anything and if the branch libraries are supplied. I have not taken the branch libraries up with Mrs. Noble as I wanted to see first how it all went. God is not in a hurry. I think for the libraries the one volume is the best book to stick to although we are not asking them to stop issuing the old books at all. We will let that take care of itself. That’s that.
Fine your taking our friends down to your farm. They express the greatest appreciation of the kindness shown them. My best to you and Mary.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
July 23rd. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.
Inclosed I am sending you a more or less rough draft of a little memo I have written of the genesis of the One Volume edition. I thought while it was all as fresh in my mind I would write exactly the facts about it so that they would be settled and no questions about them.
I want you to look it over and make any suggestions you wish. You can write them right on the page itself.
I see that somebody has been having Beasley write about some of the things that are not Christian Science. The mill keeps grinding on. How simple to stop it all and just follow the Manual exactly as is, without excuse or even explanation except the mere fact that it is Manual direction. Nothing easier or simpler.
Man is the activity of God and as such is ever about His Father’s business.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
August 7th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
I must write a line at once to thank you for your painstaking letter air-mail, of the 5th. so full of wonderful information that I will answer more fully than I can do at this moment. But I did want to thank you at once for it and for your various inclosures, most interesting.
As you bring out in all you write about Mrs. Eddy and her marvelous impersonality of her life and work, so we too must hold to absolute impersonality just as far as possible. That is why I do not at this moment agree to any mentioning of San Jose. That is all virtually given in the book itself and in fact you noticed how the False prophet is closed with Mrs. Eddy’s reference to the West and Far West and what that means.
When the Memo is finished and typed I will send you a copy of it. I might have it printed just like I had the STORY on the thin paper so as to just slip in an envelope with a letter. I have an idea it could clear some atmospheres. I am so glad you like it. Incidentally, it might to helpful to what is called the Church-Scientist.
Thank you very much for all the data you have put into your letter, ten pages of single space. You had better end all that up with the Pyramid, although I will agree with you that this Memo deserved your keenest thought and I do thank you for giving it.
Thanks also for the stamps. I am going to return them to you for your collection. I collect nothing. They are very interesting though and imply a little what 1953 really means.
My best to you.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
August 11th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
Now for a real go at your letter of the 3rd, as I said in my note to you, so full of information of keen value. I will go through from page to page and give my short answers.
I agree absolutely with all you say about Mrs. Eddy and personality.
I take your word for your numerological data for I believe you have it quite at your finger tips and that there is no reason to refute what you say even if one could.
Your quotations from Mrs. Eddy are perfect. Thanks for them.
I have accepted your suggestion to at least mention San Jose so I am starting the Memo with this. “It was in the year 1902 that Mrs. Eustace and I journeyed from our home in San Jose, California, to attend the Metaphysical College Class in Boston. Each received the degree C.S.B., which with the inscribed designation ‘Normal Course Graduate’, intimated that we were qualified to hold classes. Mrs. Eddy, and Mr. Edward A. Kimball who conducted the class, signed the diploma.”
This connects us with San Jose and I think rightly so too. Thank you for your suggestion.
Yes, the history you have of the San Jose Church is correct. We never had any preaching in that Church. I never remember Mr. Armstrong ever talking at all as a sermon; if he ever did it must have been in his own home never in the I.O.O.F. hall and never after we formed the Church. So your sense of the San Jose Church as starting with the real Pastor is right.
In regard to WHOSO, I changed the date giving the exact date of publication Sep. 27th. 1939. You always want to remember that it seemed customary with Bible things to count the day when an event began and also to count the day when the event ended, like Jesus for instance in the tomb, ostensibly always spoken of as three days, whereas he really only did one complete day and touched the other two. You remember when the twentieth century came in the terrific argument on whether it was the twentieth or not but finally I guess the twentieth crowd won out. The same idea. I called it the fiftieth year for WHOSO because the book got really going to the public in 1940, the same with this last about half century, only in this case it got thoroughly conceived of within the half century.
Yes, that shorter ‘beast’ article the destruction of matter by seeing it as “shadow” instead of “substance” is as before the ‘false prophet’ could be seen for what it is, malicious argument not a sense of matter whatever. Mrs. Eddy handles that so perfectly in what I quote from her in the FALSE PROPHET on the Christian Era and the Christian Science era or “all the meaning of the Christ”.
What you say about Miss G– is just so, but fortunately only in belief.
Yes, Mrs. Eddy was the one and only instigator not only of the only clear, correct teaching of Christian Science but gave it its very name. The whole effort of evil is necessarily against that very clear, correct teaching for it is evil’s final translation through purification, the fire of right knowing. Our friend C– didn’t know enough not to lend himself to it.
Yes I have often thought deeply of how Mrs. Eddy was given every encouragement by divine Love to go forward with her last supreme gift to her followers as in Isaiah.
Thanks for stat. excellent. I am returning it. Also clippings. You probably remember a statement of Mrs. Eddy’s that hits this nail on the head. “There is no electro magnetism, no nerve centers for fools or demons to play upon with glamour.” Malicious mind will fill the land with stuff of this kind and hand it out as so-called latest discovery of science. Latest discovery of humbuggery.
Last of all thank you very much for the stamps, most interesting, but you are the collector of such. I am not. I keep nothing but the things of God and neither do you, but for the moment you may interpret the things of God for your use differently to my interpretation of His gifts for my use.
My best to you both. And again thank you.
Herbert W. Eustace.
P.S. I have ordered L.S. and Z. to run off this memo five thousand of them for quiet distribution, on paper like the “Story” and same type. It will be useful to place in letters and will weigh virtually nothing. It will be just half the size of the size of the STORY. I will send you some when it comes which will not be for a week or two doubtless as there is no rush.
* * * * * * * * * *
Sep. 21st. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
I have been a long time returning this Dorothy Thompson Article. I was going to return all the plastics etc. you sent too but I decided you certainly did not want to be bothered with those so am not doing so. Dorothy T. article was a lot of words but not bad as you said. Because God and man is the one infinite Organization all attempts at organization end in only one thing control and that is fatal.
What a wonderful thing Mary did with those plastics and what a future plastics have in this busy world. She is leading forward.
That was an interesting delivery of that M I G the other day. Some of those fellows can pick up a wondrous pile of money pretty easily. Good idea. Except I do not like encouragement of stealing of any kind. Of course they are saying they are escaping and the delivering of the plane is secondary. I would rather it were that way.
My best to you both.
* * * * * * * * * *
October 20th. 1953.
Dear Joseph Johnston:-
Your additional comments on the Chronological Data etc. surely deserve a very warm thank you and this little note is to do that very thing.
You have a clear generous thought, keep it always as the reflection of God and you will grow steadily. Let your one prayer be to be what Mrs. Eddy means when she says, “When man begins to see himself as the reflection of God, Mind and recognizes that he has within himself the capacity to act as possessing all power from Him in Whom we live and move and have our being he has reached the highest of all endowments and fruitful of all good works.” Highest of all endowments, think what that means. Preserve it above all else then.
Our friend Richard Oakes and Catharine Sibley have announced their engagement and to be married I believe in Dec. in England. Only the love of God is before them.
What a traveller Mary is. She surely puts in a day’s work and is happy in doing it. My love to her.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
November 2nd. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
This returned letters of yours to Orcutt is long overdue but it got into some other of your letters and got hidden but here it is at last so file it away for it is an excellent letter like the one you wrote Rowley.
If you weren’t such an earnest genuine Scientist you should have been, as the saying is, a lawyer for you can marshal facts perfectly as you are doing in the work God has given you to do.
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace
* * * * * * * * * *
November 8th. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. J.:-
Thank you for yours of the 4th. and your interesting correspondence with Mr. and Mrs. —–. I think you handled it rightly. Get their stuff aback to them as soon as possible conveniently. When once something has been uncovered in thought it is well to have little to do with it in a personal way. You cannot tell how malicious belief will jump next. When you return their things be sure to get receipts for all you return so that the incident is a closed one. It makes all parties free.
Ask Mrs. Loftus to send me her analysis of the False-prophet. I think I should like to read it.
Mrs. — has removed herself and belongings to a house she has built somewhere out here. I hear she told someone she wanted to see me. I doubt this for when, the so-called mortal, has turned aside in the slightest to real true Science, it does not want me in anyway. I shall be glad to see her if she comes but I know that stuff too well to believe it wants what I have to give: I told her frankly some years ago that she was heading wrongly to mental science and that had no place whatever with Christian Science and in fact if not cast out would wreck her sense of Christian Science. Do not mention this to anyone because it is not true for the one Christian Scientist fills immensity. There is nothing good about anything that has some bad to it. Never be deceived. The whole must be right or none of it is. Luther never left Romanism, he only wanted to leave privileges etc. I think between you and me that this screen thing is just punk. I only went because a Scientist said it was good, but not for me. The Lutheran Church shows more or less the lack of spirituality in Luther. It is largely Germanistic throughout in its control of its members etc. and so forth all of which is humbug for “God is all there is and His idea.”
My best to you both.
Herbert W. Eustace.
* * * * * * * * * *
December 31st. 1953.
Dear Joseph E. Johnston:-
Just a few lines to wish you and Mary a glad glad New Year full of the infinity of Love that awaits one and all who seek it and find it. Divine Love is not a respecter of persons so it is not seeking and finding that really brings good to anyone because it is there for one and all regardless but I am the one that says that by seeking and finding I get good and so I delay it that much longer, whereas if I would see Love as omnipresent I wouldn’t have to seek and find. “Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things before ye ask Him”.
Thank you for both your letters of the 3rd. and 23rd. Most interesting and full of the reality.
No I do not know anything of C.C.— who you speak of as writing 30 books. What would our friend the Apostle John say to all this avalanche of Books that the world itself will not be able to contain the ramifications of the human mind and its insistence on publishing it all. I think even John would have been aghast!
Your book is one of the few if not the only book remaining to be published of God on Christian Science.
Christian Science has now carried the Christian Scientist beyond words, beyond all arguments, for in the Ascension realm where he finds himself there can be no arguments, no talking even, for words confuse perhaps. He finds himself confronted with the one demand consecration to God and His idea as All-in-all and in this Allness “thought is lost in the eminence of Mind”. Then follows the healing, no not follows, but is simultaneous with that “lost”. For perfection is every instant and therefore not one instant intervenes between the immersion in Mind’s Allness and the healing of everything needed.
The East Indian Boy through concentration, the exact negation of Consecration, after years of devotion to concentration was enabled to see without his eyes. In that case the devotion of mind to an honest achievement brought about the achievement, and certainly to see without one’s so-called eyes is just as honest a desire as to see with one’s so-called eyes. He achieved his aim after years of faithful work. Then what will not the Christian Scientist achieve with the same devotion expressed to the consecration of his thought to any honest achievement and to what alone is the Christian Scientist consecrating his thought, not to the bringing to pass of any material condition or sense, but purely to the allness of God, to the being lost in the eminence of Mind and lo and behold the goodness of Mind is and it is called healing but it is not healing really for there is nothing to heal it is just the infinity of Good omnipresent.
This is the acme of well done in Christian Science and is all there is to Christian Science, but how is it attained only by the same fidelity to God that the East Indian lad gave to cultivating concentration, the barring out of everything in his case but the one desire to see without his eyes? No handling eyes, as I see it at all, because the lad knew nothing about eyes. His one desire was to see without his eyes, to me a more or less impersonal desire and so that far free from the usual sense of hypnotic suggestion which always must have a thing to desire. There is a deep lesson in this Kuda Bux for me and I know the key to true Christian Science demonstration is Consecration to the n’th degree.
I have been dwelling on this Kuda Bux story for some months now and expressing the truth about it as applicable to the Scientists, and hear a few days ago I was called up on the phone after talking with some one who came to see me and she told me that actually the whole story of Kuda Bux and his seeing without his eyes was on the T.V. with the doctors present and everything testifying to its truth. Wasn’t that interesting? Love just bearing witness again that I am on the right trail. It is all in “thought being lost in the eminence of Mind” that is the one essential need and what our Leader was pointing out in her trying to encourage that spending of time of those workers in her home, trying to educate them to losing themselves in Mind on their two hour watches as she called them. It is the key note to successful Science practice. Arguments are not except to just tune ones self up to the point of seeing that there is nothing but God the one divine Love and there resting.
All the good of God to you both through 1954 and every year as it inevitably is yours now and forever.
Herbert W. Eustace.
P.S. Your letter of Dec. 3rd. from Sarasota Florida is quite a master-piece of History in its religious light. Yes, I wouldn’t be one bit surprised to see malicious mind lift its ugly head of trying to make man God. The Christian Scientist is not concerned as to what man is. He only is concerned and that deeply in what God is. That is enough and that will take care of man. The nothingness of so-called man enrages the human mind as it gets nearer its end but its day is doomed for it never was. H.W.E.
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